This project aims to predict Tesla stock price movements by analyzing sentiment data scraped from social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram. By merging this sentiment data with historical Tesla stock prices, the model forecasts future price trends based on the correlation between user discussions and stock performance.
NOTE: I have prepared in n-times ands merged with different historical stock dataset wiht equal dates
-> Sentiment Dataset creation using NLP
- Downloading and Loading the Dataset
!kaggle datasets download -d equinxx/stock-tweets-for-sentiment-analysis-and-prediction
import pandas as pd
data1 = pd.read_csv('stock_tweets.csv')
Downloads the dataset using Kaggle CLI.
Loads the CSV file into a DataFrame named data1.
- Preparing Data for Sentiment Analysis
sent_df = data1.copy()
sent_df["sentiment_score"] = ''
sent_df["Negative"] = ''
sent_df["Neutral"] = ''
sent_df["Positive"] = ''
Adds columns for sentiment scores: sentiment_score, Negative, Neutral, and Positive.
- Performing Sentiment Analysis
sentiment_analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
for indx, row in sent_df.iterrows():
sentence = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', row['Tweet'])
sentiment = sentiment_analyzer.polarity_scores(sentence)[indx, 'sentiment_score'] = sentiment['compound'][indx, 'Negative'] = sentiment['neg'][indx, 'Neutral'] = sentiment['neu'][indx, 'Positive'] = sentiment['pos']
except TypeError:
Initializes the sentiment analyzer.
Iterates over each row to analyze the tweet's sentiment.
Assign and sentimental score according the tweet like negative ,nuteral and positve
Stores the sentiment scores in the DataFrame.
Measures execution time with %%time.
4.Calculating Daily Average Sentiment
data1['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data1['Date'])
daily_average_sentiment = data1.groupby('Date').agg({'sentiment_score': 'mean'}).reset_index()
data = daily_average_sentiment
Converts Date column to datetime format.
Groups data by Date and computes the mean sentiment score.
Displays the DataFrame with daily average
data: Displays the DataFrame with daily average sentiment scores.
-> sentiment Dataset using API:
Here’s an overview of the script that fetches and processes sentiment data for Tesla (TSLA) using the Alpha Vantage API:
.container { width:100% !important; }
Imports: Includes necessary libraries such as requests for API calls, pandas for data manipulation, and time for managing API call limits.
HTML: Adjusts the width of the notebook container.
- API Key and Functions
api_key = 'H89X3Q1Y9FUJEJ99'
def _get_data(symbols, time_from, time_to, api_key):
url = f"{symbols}&time_from={time_from}&time_to={time_to}&limit=1000&apikey={api_key}"
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.json()
return data
def _get_label_sentiment(x):
if x <= -0.35:
return 'Bearish', 'Bearish'
elif -0.35 < x <= -0.15:
return 'Somewhat-Bearish', 'Bearish'
elif -0.15 < x < 0.15:
return 'Neutral', 'Neutral'
elif 0.15 <= x < 0.35:
return 'Somewhat_Bullish', 'Bullish'
else: # x >= 0.35
return 'Bullish', 'Bullish'
API Key: Stores the Alpha Vantage API key.
_get_data Function: Fetches news sentiment data from the Alpha Vantage API for given symbols, time range, and API key.
_get_label_sentiment Function: Classifies sentiment scores into categories like 'Bearish', 'Neutral', or 'Bullish'.
- Data Collection and Processing
def get_dataset(time_from="20230410T0130", time_to='', MAX_API_CALLS_PER_DAY = 25, MAX_API_CALLS_PER_MIN = 5):
data_list = []
for i in range(1, MAX_API_CALLS_PER_DAY + 1):
if i % 5 == 0:
data = _get_data('TSLA', time_from, time_to, api_key)
if 'feed' not in data: break
if len(data['feed']) == 0: break
time_to = data['feed'][-1]['time_published'][:-2] # Update time_to for the next call
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data['feed']) for data in data_list])
# Extract TSLA specific data
df['ticker_relevance_TSLA'] = df['ticker_sentiment'].apply(lambda l: [el for el in l if el['ticker'] == 'TSLA'][0]['relevance_score']).astype(float)
df['ticker_sentiment_TSLA'] = df['ticker_sentiment'].apply(lambda l: [el for el in l if el['ticker'] == 'TSLA'][0]['ticker_sentiment_score']).astype(float)
# Filter for TSLA in headlines
df = df[df.title.str.contains('tsla|tesla', case=False)]
# Count number of tickers and filter for single ticker
df['num_tickers'] = df.ticker_sentiment.apply(lambda l: len(l))
df = df[df.num_tickers == 1]
# Apply sentiment labeling
df[['detailed_original_label', 'label']] = df.apply(lambda row: _get_label_sentiment(row['ticker_sentiment_TSLA']), axis=1, result_type='expand')
# Drop duplicates and sort
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['summary'], inplace=True, keep='first')
df.set_index('time_published', inplace=True)
return df
get_dataset Function:
Calls _get_data in a loop, managing API call limits and delays.
Aggregates data into a single DataFrame.
Extracts TSLA-specific sentiment and relevance scores.
Filters rows containing TSLA in headlines.
Further filters to ensure only single ticker mentions.
Applies sentiment labels and cleans the DataFrame by removing duplicates and sorting.
- Saving and Displaying Data
df = get_dataset(time_to='')
Fetch Data: Calls get_dataset to retrieve and process data.
Save to CSV: Saves the DataFrame to tsla_sentiment.csv.
Display DataFrame: Displays the DataFrame with the sentiment data.
This script effectively collects and processes sentiment data related to Tesla, ensuring API rate limits are adhered to and resulting data is filtered and cleaned for further analysis.
NOTE: Now i have merged two datsets to tarin model efficiently
-> Historical dataset from yahoo:
import yfinance as yf
data2="TSLA ", start="2021-09-30", end="2024-09-16")
This code retrives historical dataset from yfinance platfrom on TSLA stock.
-> Final dataset:
import pandas as pd
dataset1 = pd.read_csv(dataset1)
dataset2 = pd.read_csv(dataset2)
dataset1['time_published'] = pd.to_datetime(dataset1['time_published'])
dataset1 = dataset1.groupby('time_published').agg({'overall_sentiment_score': 'mean'}).reset_index()
I have loaded my all datasets which i have merged and historical dataset
merged_df['time_published'] = pd.to_datetime(merged_df['time_published'])
df3['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df3['Date'])
final_df = pd.merge(merged_df, df3, left_on='time_published',right_on="Date")
Now i have merged all features to a single dataset with equal dates
NOTE: I have processed Data of past 4 years . At last i got only 500 records because some authentication problems
Note: I have trained less dataset of 4000 records so Accuracy of my model might be high. I tarined my to predict only the close of stock in a day
import pandas as pd
dff='/content/drive/My Drive/dhoni/final3.csv'
Importing pandas: The first line imports the pandas library, which is used for data manipulation and analysis.
File Path: dff is a variable holding the path to the CSV file.
Reading CSV: pd.read_csv(dff) loads the CSV file into a pandas DataFrame called d1, which you can then use for analysis and modeling.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Importing numpy: Numpy is imported for numerical operations, although it's not explicitly used in this snippet.
Importing Linear Regression: The LinearRegression class from sklearn is imported to create a linear regression model.
Train-Test Split: The train_test_split function is imported to divide the dataset into training and testing subsets.
Initialize Linear Regression Model: An instance of the LinearRegression model is created (though it's not used immediately).
Feature Selection: The DataFrame d1 is sliced to create x, which contains the independent variables (features) that you want to use for prediction. These are 'Open', 'Low', 'High', 'sentiment_score', and 'Volume'.
Target Variable: The variable y is created to represent the dependent variable (target) you want to predict, which is 'Close'.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
r=RandomForestRegressor(), y_train)
y_pred = r.score(X_test, y_test)
Data Splitting: The dataset is split into training and testing sets using train_test_split().
X_train and y_train will be used to train the model.
X_test and y_test will be used to evaluate the model's performance.
test_size=0.2 means that 20% of the data will be used for testing.
random_state=42 ensures reproducibility of the split.
Importing Random Forest Regressor: The RandomForestRegressor class is imported to create a more complex regression model.
Initialize Model: An instance of the RandomForestRegressor is created.
Model Fitting: The model is fitted on the training data (X_train, y_train), allowing it to learn the relationship between features and the target variable.
Importing Random Forest Regressor: The RandomForestRegressor class is imported to create a more complex regression model.
Initialize Model: An instance of the RandomForestRegressor is created.
Model Fitting: The model is fitted on the training data (X_train, y_train), allowing it to learn the relationship between features and the target variable.