- Server to be used as remote broker by trader back-end
- Also contains a websocket for executors to be informed about new orders
The recommended setup is together with the entire backend: D8-X/d8x-cli/
GET: /broker-address
GET: /broker-fee
POST: /sign-order
"order": {
"iDeadline": 1688347462,
"traderAddr": "0x9d5aaB428e98678d0E645ea4AeBd25f744341a05",
"iPerpetualId": 10001},
"chainId": 80001
note: entire order required for it to generate a proper order-id that is published in the broker-websocket
"orderFields": {
"iPerpetualId": 10001,
"brokerFeeTbps": 60,
"brokerAddr": "0xabcedef0123456789abcde..",
"traderAddr": "0x9d5aaB428e98678d0E645ea4AeBd25f744341a05",
"iDeadline": 1688347462
"chainId": 80001,
"brokerSignature": "0x73ecb2d9ccd577b441333bb9d5fcd9a625cd2fdef5203d0b9808befab0e7e02053f8e0deac0602f1cc294f4706281f83a48745cee92a7bf61cef0516ec7514f21b"
GET: /chain-config
POST: /orders-submitted
"orderIds": ["0x0c9b038026f5477710e5c1405f88f9f9433f5af60e96935611bfb5337959931a"]
{"orders-submitted": "success"}`
"error":"Could not find id 0c9b038026f5477710e5c1405f88f9f9433f5af60e96935611bfb5337959931a - expired or never submitted"
Note that the response errors-out with the first occurrence of an error.
POST: sign-payment
"payment": {
"payer": "0x4Fdc785fe2C6812960C93CA2F9D12b5Bd21ea2a1",
"executor": "0xDa47a0CAc77D50114F2725D06a2Ce887cF9f4D98",
"token": "0x2d10075E54356E16Ebd5C6BB5194290709B69C1e",
"timestamp": 1691249493,
"id": 1,
"totalAmount": 1000000000000000000,
"chainId": 80001,
"multiPayCtrct": "0x30b55550e02B663E15A95B50850ebD20363c2AD5"
"signature": "0x368e159104505a22a8bef736d0bbd190ffdeaa9030d76841e831082d4b0469ce22a034ed9672dd88324e22f479b08aa5c6729d3319c1d3db1b535068d86866571c"
{"BrokerSignature": "0x..."},
{"error":"wrong signature"}
The executor has to sign the payment data cryptographically. If the executor-address cannot be recovered from the signed data, this is the error. -
{"error":"executor not allowed"}
Executors are permissioned in live.chainConfig.json
Subscribe to order signature requests for a perpetual and chain separated by colon (:), for example
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "100002:1442"
The server will respond with an acknowledgement if the subscription seems ok (no check on perpetual id existence):
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "100002:1442",
"data": "ack"
Errors are returned in the following form:
"data": {
"error": "usage: perpetualId:chainId"
Updates are returned in the following form:
The order-id is a hexadecimal number (returned as string) without the "0x"-prefix.
Upon signature of a new order, order data is stored in Redis with the key equal to the order-id. The data is set
to expire after 120 seconds. Upon calling order submission on the
corresponding endpoint, the order id is added to a stack of open order ids, and there is a Redis pub message CHANNEL_NEW_ORDER
with message "perpetualId:chainId".
Upon receipt of the Redis pub message, the
websocket-application loops through the stack of order-id's for the given perpetual
and chain-id. If the order-id still has associated data (not older than 60s), the
data is sent to all subscribers.
- Run redis
docker run -d --name redis-stack -p 6379:6379 -e REDIS_ARGS="--requirepass mypassword" redis/redis-stack-server:latest
- change .env so that the non-docker lines are enabled (API_BIND_ADDR =, localhost instead of service names), and
source .env
- go run cmd/brokerapi/main.go
- go run cmd/executorws/main.go
Generate the ABI:
abigen --abi src/contracts/abi/ERC20.json --pkg contracts --type Erc20 --out erc20.go