Voltaire is a discord bot that allows you to send messages anonymously. It supports sending messages to server channels as well as sending DMs to members of the server it has been added to. Voltaire has several admin settings (which can be viewed with /volt-admin help
) to allow admins to best fit the bot to their use case. When Voltaire is added to your server, type /volt-help
to get a list of commands.
- Discord.net - Bot Framework
Only requires docker and docker-compose
- Download deploy.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/D2ans0/Voltaire-Revoltaire/master/deploy.sh
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/D2ans0/Voltaire-Revoltaire/master/deploy.sh -O deploy.sh
- Change the placeholder value in APP_TOKEN and DB_PASSWORD
- Make the file executable
chmod 0700 deploy.sh
- Run the script
sudo ./deploy.sh
- Enjoy
Pull requests are welcome!
To get running locally:
- Create a discord bot user
- Set up a sql database
- Create a appsettings.json file within the project's "Voltaire" directory (see example below)
- Run migrations
- Be excellent to eachother
// appsettings.json
"discordAppToken": "F5OCongcjYOMXmEgrTmGDFy1Te5CUZy5ignm2DLoUUwJ1QsbfqEeOpyWBhe",
// the emoji the bot will use when a message is sent
"sent_emoji": "<:message_sent:491776018970050570>",
// a 256 bit key used to generate response codes and usernames
"ConnectionStrings": {
"sql": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=Voltaire;Trusted_Connection=True;"
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details