This code demonstrates coordinated locking on the kubernetes platform for go applications.
- The app needs a unique POD_NAME environment variable, as well as a common POD_NAMESPACE variable.
- The app talks to the Kubernetes cluster in the currently configured context, so be sure to point it at a local or non-production cluster.
To see the app in action, run the following three commands in separate
terminals. cd
to a clone of this repo and run:
POD_NAME=test-1 POD_NAMESPACE=default go run cmd/k8s-election-demo/main.go -logtostderr
This "pod" should successfully acquire the lock right away (as long as there is not a lock that is currently valid).
POD_NAME=test-2 POD_NAMESPACE=default go run cmd/k8s-election-demo/main.go -logtostderr
POD_NAME=test-3 POD_NAMESPACE=default go run cmd/k8s-election-demo/main.go -logtostderr
Now kill the first command. After a short time you should see either test-2 or test-3 acquire the lock, with the other process seeing and printing the new owner.