Feat/get resource log category #42
8 fail, 5 pass in 0s
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Property Initialization.should validate correct data input failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Property Initialization.should not validate incorrect data input failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Property Initialization.should not validate empty data input failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Constructors Tests.Should create the object with separate properties failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Constructors Tests.should create an object with constructor from hashtable failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Methods Tests.should handle resource type with diagnostic settings available failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Methods Tests.should handle resource type with no diagnostic settings failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / WinPS71 Test Results
ResourceLogCategory Class Unit Tests.ResourceLogCategory Class Methods Tests.should return a string representation of the object failed
output/testResults/CodeCoverageWinPS7/NUnitXml_CyberShell_v0.1.0-pr0009.Windows.PSv.7.4.1.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.