Capture the audio stream buffer through microphone for iOS/Android. Required OS version is iOS 13+ or Android 23+
Add this line to your pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_audio_capture: ^1.1.6
and execute
$ flutter pub get
If you want to use this package on Android OS, you need to set RECORD_AUDIO
permission to AndroindManifest.xml
like below.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
// Add this line
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
If you want to use this package on iOS, you need to set NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
to Info.plist
like below.
<string>Need microphone access to capture audio</string>
On Linux, this package uses parec
to record audio.
While things should just work on recent Ubuntu versions,
make sure to have pulseaudio
installed on the target device.
You can see full example in example/lib/main.dart
import 'package:flutter_audio_capture/flutter_audio_capture.dart';
// Callback function if device capture new audio stream.
// argument is audio stream buffer captured through mictophone.
// Currentry, you can only get is as Float64List.
void listener(dynamic obj) {
var buffer = Float64List.fromList(obj.cast<double>());
// Callback function if flutter_audio_capture failure to register
// audio capture stream subscription.
void onError(Object e) {
FlutterAudioCapture plugin = new FlutterAudioCapture();
// Start to capture audio stream buffer
// sampleRate: sample rate you want
// bufferSize: buffer size you want (iOS only)
await plugin.start(listener, onError, sampleRate: 16000, bufferSize: 3000);
// Stop to capture audio stream buffer
await plugin.stop();