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Blockchain data analytics tool built with ConseilJS, powered by the Conseil API. Beta deployment is live.


git clone
cd Arronax
npm install
#Read instructions for configuration
npm start

Configuration Instructions

config.tsx is expected to be found in /src. It defines one or more Conseil end-points and data sources within. initialState inside /src/reducers/app/reducers.ts will reference the default connection to create once the application loads. The most basic config file will look like the following:

import { Config } from './types';

const configs: Config[] = [
    platform: '',
    network: '',
    displayName: '',
    url: 'conseil.server',
    apiKey: 'SomeSecret',
    nodeUrl: 'tezos.server',
    entities: ['blocks', 'operations', 'accounts', 'bakers', 'governance'],
    hiddenEntities: ['originated_account_maps', 'big_maps', 'big_map_contents']

export default configs;

platform ('tezos') and network ('mainnet') in that file become URL parameters that ConseilJS uses. displayName is used in the UI network selector. url and apiKey are Conseil service parameters. Cryptonomic provides a turn-key Tezos infrastructure service – Conseil and Tezos endpoints are provided by that service. nodeUrl is a Tezos RPC endpoint. entities and hiddenEntities provide priority sorting for entity display and hide entities from display respectively.

Other Build Targets

Start the local server without forcing open a browser. npm run serve

Package (webpack) for distribution. Fully contained artifacts will appear in /build once this process is complete. npm run build

Package into docker

docker build -t arronaxcontainer .
docker run -d -p 3080:80 arronaxcontainer