CrowdedRoles (CR) is our biggest project yet. It is Among Us API allowing you to create custom roles, buttons and stuff much easier
This is not an independent mod! Install this only if you know what you're doing
Coming soon, use XML docs in source code for now
Reference installed CrowdedRoles dll in your .csproj
via Deobfuscate task. It should look like this <Deobfuscate Include="$(AmongUs)\BepInEx\plugins\CrowdedRoles-$(GameVersion).dll" />
Debug build (as for now) has a lot of testing stuff located in TestRole.cs
so if you don't want to see it, you should build CR library with Release configuration
This project was private for 3 months but we're still in beta so feel free to reference any issue/suggestion or even PR your changes
don't forget to put someone here