A database system for organising Rubik's cube algorithms.
- Extract the algdb folder to your web space
- Edit the algdb_config.php config file
- Extract the visualcube folder at the same level
- Edit the visualcube_config.php config file
- Visit the algdb page with the 'install' parameter. For example: http://www.mysite.com/algdb/algdb.php?install
Tested on MediaWiki version 1.19.14
- Extract the algdb folder into your 'extensions' folder in your mediawiki installation
- Download the additional cube_lib.php file from the visualcube project as follows:
cd <algdb_folder>
rm cube_lib.php
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cride5/visualcube/master/cube_lib.php
- Edit the algdb_config.php config file
- Edit the LocalSettings.php of the MediaWiki installation and add the following to the end:
if(!$wgCommandLineMode){ require_once "$IP/extensions/algdb/MediawikiAlgDB.php";}
- Visit the installer page to set up the database: