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main function that runs the whole code
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CreepyMemes authored Jan 23, 2023
1 parent fba1ec7 commit de904de
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 164 deletions.
199 changes: 35 additions & 164 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,174 +1,45 @@
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from stl import mesh
from functions import *
from layout import *
from gui.gui import Gui

def main():
# Create the window object
window = sg.Window("ImageToSTL", layout, size=(700,300), finalize=True)

# Make window object react to pressing enter or clicking them with left mouse button
window['-WIDTH-' ].bind("<Return>", "ENTER-")
window['-WIDTH-' ].bind("<Button-1>", "CLICK-")
window['-HEIGHT-'].bind("<Return>", "ENTER-")
window['-HEIGHT-'].bind("<Button-1>", "CLICK-")
window['-NOZZLE-'].bind("<Return>", "ENTER-")
window['-NOZZLE-'].bind("<Button-1>", "CLICK-")

# Initialize None variables
img, temp, width, height = (None, None, None, None)

# Main program loop
window = Gui()

while True:
event, values =
# Read incoming events

if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
# Event if window is closed
if window.event == None:

if event == '-FILE-':
# Opens the image and converts it to grayscale
img =['-FILE-']).convert('L')

# Shows hidden folder inputs
window['-FOLDER_TEXT-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-FOLDER-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-FOLDER_BROWSE-' ].Update(visible = True)
# Hide generation confirmation if file is changed
window['-GENERATED_TEXT-'].Update(visible = False)
# Update ratio if new image is put
if len(values['-WIDTH-']) > 0 and len(values['-HEIGHT-']) > 0:
height = round( float(values['-WIDTH-']) * img.size[1] / img.size[0], 2 )
values['-HEIGHT-'] = str(height)

if event == '-FOLDER-':
# Shows hidden text inputs
window['-WIDTH_TEXT-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-WIDTH-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-WIDTH_MM-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-HEIGHT_TEXT-'].Update(visible = True)
window['-HEIGHT-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-HEIGHT_MM-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-NOZZLE_TEXT-'].Update(visible = True)
window['-NOZZLE-' ].Update(visible = True)
window['-NOZZLE_MM-' ].Update(visible = True)
# Hide generation confirmation if folder is changed
window['-GENERATED_TEXT-'].Update(visible = False)

# Check if input values are legal
if not isnumber(values['-WIDTH-']):
if not isnumber(values['-HEIGHT-']):
if not isnumber(values['-NOZZLE-']):

if event == '-WIDTH-CLICK-' or event == '-HEIGHT-CLICK-' or event == '-NOZZLE-CLICK-' or event == '-WIDTH-ENTER-' or event == '-HEIGHT-ENTER-':
if temp != event and temp:
# Adjust height to maintain original aspect ratio
if temp == '-WIDTH-CLICK-' and len(values['-WIDTH-']) > 0:
height = round( float(values['-WIDTH-']) * img.size[1] / img.size[0], 2 )
values['-HEIGHT-'] = str(height)
# Adjust width to maintain original aspect ratio
if temp == '-HEIGHT-CLICK-' and len(values['-HEIGHT-']) > 0:
width = round( float(values['-HEIGHT-']) * img.size[0] / img.size[1], 2 )
values['-WIDTH-'] = str(width)

if event != '-WIDTH-ENTER-' or event != '-HEIGHT-ENTER-' or event != '-NOZZLE-CLICK-':
temp = event

if len(values['-WIDTH-']) > 0 and len(values['-HEIGHT-']) > 0 and len(values['-NOZZLE-']) > 0:
window['-GENERATE-' ].Update(visible = True)

if event == '-GENERATE-':
width, height = ( float(values['-WIDTH-']), float(values['-HEIGHT-']))
rows = int( height / (float(values['-NOZZLE-'])) ) # Auto resizing image pixels per row
cols = int( rows * height / width ) # Auto resizing image pixels per column
img = img.resize( (cols, rows) ) # Resizes the image with the previous values
pixels = img.load() # Loads the image data into pixels
pixels = [ [pixels[x, y] / 255 for x in range(cols)] for y in range(rows) ] # Converts the image data into a normalized list of lists

# Calculates the average of every pixel in the image
average = sum(pixel for row in pixels for pixel in row) / (cols * rows)

# Converts the image into a normalized height map
height_map = getHeightMap(pixels, average)

# Mesh variables
thickness = width / 40 # Solid mesh thickness
triangles = 2 * ( ((cols-1) * (rows-1) + 2 * ( (cols-1) + (rows-1))) + ((cols-1) + (rows-1) - 1) ) # Total amount of triangles in the whole mesh
count = 0 # Variable that counts each triangle

# Declares a 3D numpy array that will contain all the vertices of the height map mesh
vertices_heightmap = np.zeros( (rows, cols, 3) )

# Defines the coordinates of each height map vertex
for i, row in enumerate(height_map):
for j, pixel in enumerate(row):
vertices_heightmap[i][j] = ( j * (width / (cols-1)) - width/2, pixel * width / -10, height - i * (height / (rows-1)) ) # (x, y, z)

# Creates the STL mesh
surface = mesh.Mesh( np.zeros(triangles, dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype) )

# Tesselates the main surface mesh by combining all the height map vertices through triangles
for i in range(rows-1):
for j in range(cols-1):
surface.vectors[count] [0] = vertices_heightmap[i] [j]
surface.vectors[count] [1] = vertices_heightmap[i] [j+1]
surface.vectors[count] [2] = vertices_heightmap[i+1] [j]
surface.vectors[count+1] [0] = vertices_heightmap[i+1] [j+1]
surface.vectors[count+1] [1] = vertices_heightmap[i] [j+1]
surface.vectors[count+1] [2] = vertices_heightmap[i+1 ] [j]
count += 2

# Tesselates the frame mesh by combining all the frame vertices through triangles
for i in range(cols-1): # Top/Bottom row frame
surface.vectors[count] [0] = vertices_heightmap[0] [i]
surface.vectors[count] [1] = ( vertices_heightmap[0] [i] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[0] [i] [2] )
surface.vectors[count] [2] = vertices_heightmap[0] [i+1]
surface.vectors[count+1] [0] = ( vertices_heightmap[0] [i] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[0] [i] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+1] [1] = vertices_heightmap[0] [i+1]
surface.vectors[count+1] [2] = ( vertices_heightmap[0] [i+1] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[0] [i+1] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+2] [0] = vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i]
surface.vectors[count+2] [1] = ( vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+2] [2] = vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i+1]
surface.vectors[count+3] [0] = ( vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+3] [1] = vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i+1]
surface.vectors[count+3] [2] = ( vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i+1] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[rows-1] [i+1] [2] )
count += 4
for i in range(rows-1): # Left/Right column frame
surface.vectors[count] [0] = vertices_heightmap[i] [0]
surface.vectors[count] [1] = ( vertices_heightmap[i] [0] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[i] [0] [2] )
surface.vectors[count] [2] = vertices_heightmap[i+1] [0]
surface.vectors[count+1] [0] = ( vertices_heightmap[i] [0] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[i] [0] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+1] [1] = vertices_heightmap[i+1] [0]
surface.vectors[count+1] [2] = ( vertices_heightmap[i+1] [0] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[i+1] [0] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+2] [0] = vertices_heightmap[i] [cols-1]
surface.vectors[count+2] [1] = ( vertices_heightmap[i] [cols-1] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[i] [cols-1] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+2] [2] = vertices_heightmap[i+1] [cols-1]
surface.vectors[count+3] [0] = ( vertices_heightmap[i] [cols-1] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[i] [cols-1] [2] )
surface.vectors[count+3] [1] = vertices_heightmap[i+1] [cols-1]
surface.vectors[count+3] [2] = ( vertices_heightmap[i+1] [cols-1] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[i+1] [cols-1] [2] )
count += 4

# Gets the coords to stitch the hole in the back
coords = getStitchingCoords(rows, cols)

# Stitches the hole in the back in order to make it a 3D printable solid
for i in range(1, len(coords)-1):
surface.vectors[count] [0] = ( vertices_heightmap[coords[i-1] [0]] [coords[i-1] [1]] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[coords[i-1] [0]] [coords[i-1] [1]] [2] )
surface.vectors[count] [1] = ( vertices_heightmap[coords[i] [0]] [coords[i] [1]] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[coords[i] [0]] [coords[i] [1]] [2] )
surface.vectors[count] [2] = ( vertices_heightmap[coords[i+1] [0]] [coords[i+1] [1]] [0], thickness, vertices_heightmap[coords[i+1] [0]] [coords[i+1] [1]] [2] )
count += 1

# Saves the mesh to an STL file"{values['-FOLDER-']}/{values['-FILE-'].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]}.stl")
window['-GENERATED_TEXT-'].Update(visible = True)

# Event if a new image is entered
if window.event == '-FILE-':
window.open_image() # Opens the image and converts it to grayscale
window.show_folder_input() # Unhides folder inputs
window.hide_confirmation() # Hides generation confirmation
window.reset_inputs() # Resets width and height

# if the folder is changed
if window.event == '-FOLDER-':
window.show_text_input() # Unhides text inputs
window.hide_confirmation() # Hides generation confirmation

window.is_input_legal() # Checks if input values are legal
window.maintain_ratio() # Adjusts width and height to maintain the original aspect ratio

# If width, height, and layer height values are all entered, a button to generate the STL is shown
if window.is_all_present():

# Event if Generate STL button is pressed
if window.event == '-GENERATE-':
window.process_image() # Processes the image to generate a height map
window.process_mesh() # Creates and processes a mesh to generate an STL model
window.show_confirmation() # Print a confirmation to generating the STL file


if __name__ == '__main__':

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