This has been tried on rasbian, ubuntu 14.04, 16.04
- Note: This will remove the any stale version of the compiler you may have
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa
sudo apt-get remove binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi
It will probably just say 0 removed if you didn't have it installed.
Now install the compiler :)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi python-protobuf
"UNDO" commands for the above (Don't run this unless something broke for you)
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi
git clone [email protected]:Createcafe3d/YXE-firmware.git
cd YXE-firmware
This should result in a main.bin in the local directory
Not needed, you can use the static ones we've given "./standalone_dfu/"
git clone git://
cd dfu-util
sudo make install
Now you can flash firmware with the following command:
dfu-util -a 0 --dfuse-address 0x08000000 -D main.bin -d 16d0:0af3
run standalone_dfu/windows/wind_dfu.bat with main.bin in the same directory
sudo apt-get remove openocd
git clone git:// openocd-code
cd openocd-code
sudo make install
Discovery board and YXE3D pinout to help connecting up stuff:
Discovery board (reading SWD) : [o,NRST,SDIO,GND,SDCLK,o]
YXE3D (boards 1.13 and older): [o,NRST,GND;o,SDCLK,SDIO]
-diagram drawn with USB on the left
Use openocd to connect the stmf4discovery gdb debug to localhost:3333
sudo openocd -f stlink.cfg
Run the gdb terminal and connect to our opencd debug port
arm-none-eabi-gdb main.elf
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
Example Commands:
- monitor reset halt - stop the microcontroller
- c - continue
- break file.c:32 - break on line 32 in file.c
#What's still missing/not working
- Optimisations above -O0 will fail to boot the chip
- SD card/standalone library
- Needed "toolchain":
- gcode through calibrated transform (in YXEtools) into deflection points (python?)
- Write deflection and some semblence of framing per layer to help drip counts (python?) to file
- Make the firmware read above file, and figure out it's own go|no-go|skip-layer decision
- Even Further using the I2C or SPI with CS, we can add in an screen for an all in one.
- Needed "toolchain":
- Angular Acceleration
- Most fdm printers accelerate and decelerate their movement in firmware
- This is usually done by buffering a few commands and calculating intermediate steps
- ... but the units are in % of deflection as 18bit numbers and angular acceleration.
- I will give a printer and a bunch of resin to anyone who solves this problem (with working code)
- Well, before I get to it