Thing | Info |
Date | January 18th-19th 2025 |
Times | Saturday: 10:30am - Whenever |
Times | Sunday: 11:00am - Whenever |
Fee | $10 for preregistrants / $15 at the door |
Establishment | Pollock Commons |
Address | Pollock Commons, State College, PA 16802 |
Pre-reg Deadline | December 13th |
D.O.W.N.S. 1 | D.O.W.N.S. 2 |
D.O.W.N.S. 3 | D.O.W.N.S. 4 |
D.O.W.N.S. 5 | U.P.S. 1 |
U.P.S. 2 | U.P.S. 3 |
U.P.S. 4 | U.P.S. 5 |
R.I.G.H.T.S 1 | R.I.G.H.T.S 2 |
The purpose of the R.I.G.H.T.S tournament series is to create a casual, inclusive environment that maximizes everyone's participation, regardless of skill level, while still retaining unique elements of strategy. Everyone is encouraged to enter! (Unless you smell bad or something...)
The rules will be similar to those of the U.P.S and D.O.W.N.S. tournament series. But please actually review the rules before registering or submitting files.
Like before, the only selectable songs in this tournament will be those from a special custom pack. The contents of this pack will be determined entirely by the tournament entrants. Here's how it works:
If you preregister before December 13th, you are allowed to submit up to three of your own home-made custom simfiles. The simfiles must also be submitted before before EOD December 13th. Then all of the submitted simfiles will be accumulated and distributed as a whole sometime soon afterward. You have from then until the date of the tournament to practice the custom simfiles.
Of course, you can still choose to enter after December 13th, but you will not be able to submit any of your own simfiles to the tournament pack.
Note that there is a reduced entry fee for those who preregister before December 13th.
We are presently running ITGmania 0.9.0 on our cab and will be during R.I.G.H.T.S 3. Information about ITGmania can be found HERE.
If you're unfamiliar with ITGmania, for the purposes of this tournament it can be considered interchangeable with SM5.
If your submissions do not meet the guidelines, they will not be accepted. So if you have any questions, or if the rules are unclear, please ask.
The simfile must be less than 3:30. I don't care how long your OGG/MP3 is (but check the filesize requirement), but the total play time of the file cannot be 3:30 or greater. At all. Double-check by setting LongVerSongSeconds to 210 and making sure it doesn't count as two rounds before submitting your file.
The simfile must not be offensive. Offensive material includes obscene levels of profanity, explicit sexual references, lyrics depicting excessive violence, irritatingly loud and obnoxious noises, and anything else that could offend or disturb others in the surrounding area. Simfiles that do not meet this criteria will be rejected, so please do not spend time working on a submission unless you are confident that it is acceptable. (In addition, any graphics, lyric files, or other additions to the simfile must also be appropriate). If you have any questions about whether a song meets this criteria or not feel free to PM me. A good rule of thumb is to consider how a random person or staff member would react walking past the rec room during the tournament when your song is playing.
Swears cannot be a prominent part of the simfile audio. The simfile audio can contain swears provided they adhere to the previous guideline and can be considered "lowkey". This rule is somewhat subjective and will be at the discretion of the TOs. You may be asked to censor your chart before it can be accepted into the pack.
The chart must have at least 50 hittable arrows. An example of an arrow that is not hittable is one that is preceded by a negative BPM/warp. The purpose of this rule is to cut down the chances of players repeatedly tying on a song.
The chart in the Challenge (Expert) difficulty slot will be played in the tournament. Please ensure the steps you wish to be played during the tournament are in the "Challenge" difficulty slot. In Simply Love, this difficulty slot is displayed as "Expert." You are free to include additional steps in other difficulty slots, but the Challenge slot is the only difficulty that will be played during the tournament.
The total uncompressed size of all of your three submissions combined should be no greater than 50.16MB. The tournament pack grows in size every year, and I want to keep it somewhat reasonable. If your simfile includes a video file, you will absolutely need to compress it to meet this requirement.
You can't resubmit files from previous D.O.W.N.S./U.P.S./U.P.S.M.H/R.I.G.H.T.S tournaments. This goes without saying.
Don't break the machine. Your simfile must not crash the machine, and you are not allowed to abuse lua to modify configuration settings that persist after the song is complete (for example, you are not allowed to change settings via PREFSMAN). This is quite an extensive topic, so if you have any questions, please ask. SM5 also allows for some pretty hacky things so depending on your implementation, I may or may not allow a file depending on what it's trying to achieve.
Videos should be perfectly fine on this machine. Although, if you'd like to play your files on normal arcade machines, don't use videos in your simfile unless you are positive they won't lag. As a general rule of thumb, I recommend against using videos altogether, but if you do, be sure to keep them short and very low-resolution. I am not aware of all the factors that cause some videos to lag more than others, so use your best discretion, and be aware that just because your file doesn't lag on your laptop doesn't mean it won't lag on a machine. Also keep the file size limit in mind when including videos with your stepchart.
The simfiles should be your own work! You can't submit somebody else's files. Additionally, you have to actually demonstrate that you put a notable level of effort into creating the file. Copying somebody else's chart and rearranging a few notes here and there or changing the graphics does not qualify as writing your own chart. Parodies are fine, but the entire purpose of allowing user-submitted files is to get new content. If I don't think that your file can stand alone as your own work I will likely not allow it. Collaborations are okay, but should not be used as an attempt to circumnavigate the 3 simfile rule. Collaborations should be "in the spirit of the tournament." This is subjective so ask us in advance if you have any questions.
Don't be a pain in the ass. If your chart has a three-minute intro/outro without any notes, you are being a pain in the ass. If your audio is excessively loud or uncomfortable to listen to, you are being a pain in the ass. If you try to hide inappropriate content in your simfile, you are being a pain in the ass. If you submit borderline-offensive content without PM'ing me first, you are being a pain in the ass. Charts that require excessive memorization may be asked to be reworked or rejected if they're deemed obtuse to the point of not being conducive to a fun tournament environment. Don't be a pain in the ass. We reserve the right to refuse charts that we feel are breaking this rule.
The machine's monitor is Widescreen. The monitor is a 2560 x 1440, 16:9 monitor. If you are looking to do foreground things, keep this in mind. It'd probably be good if you account for widescreen or you letterbox your fgchanges so that things play out the way you want.
Stepmania 5 Specific As long as you don't do things that break the machine (see the rules above), you can use the following.
- Allowed Notetypes: Tap, Mine, Fake, Lift
- Allowed Segments: Stops, Delays, Warps, Scroll Factor, Speed, Fake
*While all attacks were allowed in the past, we've found some game-crashing nuances with them and thus will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Additionally if you come across any bugs, please let us know!
ITGmania Specific You are not allowed to use Lua to manipulate timing windows/visual delay.
If one of your simfiles is rejected, you will be allowed to resubmit a corrected version of the rejected file or an entirely new file. You may choose to resubmit after a rejection as many times as you like, up until submissions are closed. However, once a simfile is accepted, it may not be revised or replaced. This means you should sync your files BEFORE giving them to me.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned restrictions, your simfiles can be as easy or hard, plain or gimmicky, slow or fast, or reasonable or ridiculous as you like. Use this to your advantage.
If you think something might not be allowed be sure to ask us beforehand. We don't know all the capabilities of SM5/ITGm so some files might be rejected if we think they might affect the progress of the tournament.
quietly-turning hosts a copy of ITGmania's Lua API doc HERE.
Additionally, you can submit using either .sm or .ssc files (or both!). Keep mind that .ssc will only work for SM5/ITGm and not arcade ITG/3.95/OpenITG. I recommend sticking with the .ogg/.sm convention if you're not doing anything SM5/ITGm exclusive so that people who aren't running ITGm can still play/practice your charts.
SM5/ITGm has a preference for "Quirks Mode" which adds some capability to read legacy xml files. Quirks Mode will be enabled for the tournament so if you'd want, you can create an xml file that works on arcade ITG as well as SM5/ITGm. Although it's recommended to write in lua.
The preregistration deadline is December 13th. You cannot preregister or submit any simfiles past this date.
To preregister, all you need to do is send Crash Cringle or mimbiguity $10.00. For those who live in the area, this should be relatively simple. For you out-of-state folks, you have a few options PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME/USERNAME and/or HANDLE WHEN PRE-REGISTERING
The first option is to Venmo mimbiguity at @mimbiguity or me at @CrashCringle
The second option is to use PayPal. If you link your bank account to your PayPal account or use your PayPal balance, money will not be deducted from the transaction (this means I'll actually get all of the $10.00 you send me, instead of ~$9). Send the payment to @CrashCringle ([email protected]).
Alternatively, you could mail me the money. If this is what you would prefer, then let me know and I'll PM you my mailing address.
You could also hunt me down in real life. I exist everywhere on Penn State's campus, I frequent Pittsburgh dance game spaces. Honestly, it'll probably be a little difficult to find me unless you're at cabby.
Finally, you could just have another friend give me money for you. Of course, if you do this, your obligation to pay your friend back is out of my hands.
As done in U.P.S, I will allow people to preregister and submit simfiles without any intention of attending the tournament. However, if you don't come, you're probably really lame, so you should come anyway.
Please note that even though you will be directly sending the money to us, We will not be keeping any amount of it for myself. Everything you send us will go directly into the pot (save for some percentage which will be collected for Jack Houser as a machine-usage fee).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding preregistration, feel free to ask.
You can not preregister more than once.
Once you have preregistered, you may begin submitting simfiles. To submit a simfile, all you have to do is submit your files to the stepchart submission form:
As soon as simfile is accepted into the pack, I will post it for download. Please note, however, that I have a life (just kidding) and may take a few days to get around to downloading your file, previewing it, and updating this thread accordingly. This is especially true towards the end of the submission period, when I start receiving 10+ new files a day.
POSTING IN THE DISCORD SERVER IS NOT A SUBMISSION. These are hard to keep track of. You may post files in the event group, but ALSO PM me a direct link.
About a week after the submission deadline, We will release a finalized tournament pack of all of the accepted simfile submissions.
The tournament will be a standard double-elimination bracket. A few points will be noted
Seeding will be based on the order in which people register for the tournament.
Tie-breakers will be chosen from the pack using the machine's "Portal" feature.
The player with the highest final percentage (either passing or failing) wins the song.
We are using the default ITG scoring system known colloquially as "Money Score"
You may only choose mods that do not disqualify you, with some exceptions:
- Turn Mods such as Left and Right are not allowed.
- Hide Mods are okay with the exception of Background.
- Disable Timing Windows you cannot turn off Way Offs or Decents
- All Uncommon Modifiers are forbidden
- ITGmania Specific Notefield offset and per-player Visual Delay will be removed from the mod selection screen.
You may not pick a song more than once.
You are free to choose songs that you have submitted or contributed to, but you can only do so 3 times in the tournament.
You may only pick (or random) amongst the expert singles charts.
At the beginning of each match, an intense match of Rock, Paper, Scissors will determine which player chooses his or her preferred pad or song pick order, then the other player decides the remaining option.
During a match, you should stay on your side of the pad and not touch your opponent or obstruct his or her field of vision. Verbal distractions are allowed up to the extent that they cannot bother other people in the area. The audience is also allowed (and encouraged) to create verbal distractions.
If your opponent fails, you are allowed to play the rest of the song unless otherwise noted.
You will be disqualified if you don't show up in time for your match. If you want to get food, check the bracket first and let me know where you'll be. I will try and post a list of upcoming matches on a nearby wall, but you can also could (and should) just ask me in person.
There will be a scheduled lunch break at 00:00
Don't on your opponent while you're playing. Unless they're into that.
You can't use any peripherals or humans as an aide while playing any of the charts. i.e. NO TETRIS DANK STRATS JONX JONES
Players will form teams of 5. You are free to assemble your own Teams up until the event begins. If there are folks without a team we'll try to consolidate any ungrouped players to form a team. You will need at least 5 players due to the variable number of players required for the songs.
Every player will have a total of 6 Lives. Lives are expended every time a player plays a song. For example, if Telperion and Paul J Kim go up and play, both Telp and Paul will have expended 1
life during that set. So if they had 6 lives they now have 5. When a player reaches 0 lives the team can no longer use this player for any matches.
There will be a total of 12 Rounds in the game. A Round is complete when every team has played their selected song for the round. A maximum of two teams can play at once on two cabs that have been designated for the couples tournament. Please wait for a TOs signal before starting your song. (Depending on time and constraints we may open a third machine up for couples).
At the start of every round we will announce a number, you will need to send that amount of players up to play for that round. For example, if Round 1 is a "3 Player" round. You will need to choose 3 players from your team to go up. Rounds will be a minimum of two
How you choose who goes up is really up to you. You can discuss it, rock paper scissors, draw straws, yell "not it"... It's really up to you, though - battles to the death are strongly discouraged as this would put you under the 5 player requirement.
Our Official Recommendation for Team Selection is to use "Playground Style" children's it games such as: Bubblegum in a Dish or Eeny Meeny Miny Moe. I will perform a live demonstration of these methods at the event for those who are unfamiliar. If you cannot agree on a method we will fallback on one of these games.
As previously stated, you can only choose players that have at least 1 life remaining. If the team doesn't have enough players to send, (due to insufficient lives) then your team will receive a 0 for the round.
We'll be using a Card Draw system for Song Selection. The pool of songs is dependent upon the Round. For example, if it is a 2-player round the song selection will be all 2-player songs in the pack.
Your team will draw 5 songs from the respective pool*. After the songs are drawn you can freely choose from this list which song you will play. If the next round uses the same amount of players as the previous round, you will use this same pool. Otherwise you'll draw another 5.
There are certain special rounds where we have predetermined the song that will be played. You'll be informed of this at the start of the round.
After a song is played it will be removed from the card draw. (Songs can only be played once).
After each song you'll be given a score on the evaluation screen. This is your "couples" score (The score accrued by your entire party during the song). You'll also be shown the individual scores for Player 1 and Player 2. For the tournament we will only be considering your combined "couples" scores.
After the song is completed, each sent player loses one life and the score is plugged into a formula for the team. The score you got on the song, the number of players that participated, and the difficulty of the song determine the total score of obtain from the round.
At the end of all the rounds scores are totaled and the winner is the team with the highest score.
The songs in the pack range from level 7 - 12 (Majority of songs being 9s and 10s). Song List:
This is an "all encompassing" couples tournament meaning that a chart can be one of the following styles:
- OnlyOneCouples - P1 is hold notes, P2 is roll notes. Arrows will still show their rhythms.
- Bootcamp - P1 is one color, P2 is another color. Arrows will not show their rhythms.
- OnlyOneBootcamp - A hybrid of the above typically involving 3+ players and sometimes soccer balls.
- Other - There are a few couples songs in the pack that follow other styles entirely. If you have any questions about a song feel free to reach out.
Sooo for this tournament we're basically beta testing "Routine" mode in ITGMania. This is highly experimental at the moment so appreciate all participants for participating. You're helping make dance games even greater.
Routine mode is an "official" couples mode in the engine. I had to make a bunch of changes to the engine and theme for this to work and that'll be pretty apparent on arrival. If you have any questions about this feel free to @me, dm, or ask me during down time at the event.
There may be a few quirks that pop up here and there, we'll have a feedback form out to collect those.
In the event that the software just completely crashes and burns the day of the tournament -- Have no fear. We will fallback on playing the original doubles versions of these songs. If this happens none of the above rules/info change aside from players would not be able to see individualized scores.
But yeah, I include this section as a disclaimer so folks are aware. We ask for your patience in the event of any issues and thank you once again for being guinea pigs in our fun tournament. Super excited!
There's a convenience store with drinks and snacks in the same building as the machine.
There's an all-you-can-eat Buffet above the room we're having the tournament. It's kinda pricey, dinner is ~$15 for non students and lunch is ~$12, breakfast is ~5
If you get hungry, there is a lot of food downtown which is about a 5 minute walk. There is no longer a sheetz immediately downtown 🥲. However, there are still plenty of other stores to explore. Feel free to get food whenever you want, as long as you can get back in time for your match. You can bring food back towards the venue, but please clean up after yourself and throw your trash away.
The machine is now permanently located in Rec Room (formerly, we used to move it into this room from another area in the same building). There should be enough space to hangout and watch. At worst you can sit on peoples' laps or something.
There are quite a few hotels which are fairly close by. A lot of the people who went to Penn State have graduated but there are still a few people who may have housing. If you're looking to carpool, seek housing, or have any questions about housing/hotels/transportation feel free to drop a message in the #housing-and-transport channel in the discord. Feel free to also PM me any questions.
The closest airport is the University Park Airport which is like a 5–10 minute drive from campus. It's also a fairly small airport.
Viewable in Discord