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Troubleshooting setup and installation

Calvin Loncaric edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Cozy's setup infrastructure is very simple. Even so, our upstream dependencies are large and complex, so it is easy to run into problems during setup.

This page is intended to help when installing Cozy or its dependencies with pip doesn't work "out of the box". Currently there is not much content here; please help us out by reporting issues or extending this page!

  • If you get an error "cannot find -lxml2", then install libxml2-dev; for example, on Ubuntu run sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev.
  • igraph has binary distributions for many platforms, but for some users it might have to build itself from source (which it does during the pip install step of the Cozy setup instructions). For instance, there are no binary distributions for ARM CPUs. If it needs to build from source, you'll need lots of dependencies:
    • python3-dev, libtool, bison, gcc, and probably others
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