Releases: Countly/countly-sdk-java
!! Major breaking change !! The following method and its functionality is deprecated from the "UserEditor" interface and will not function anymore:
- "setLocale(String)"
Added the user profiles feature interface, and it is accessible through "Countly::instance()::userProfile()" call.
Added the location feature interface, and it is accessible through "Countly::instance()::location()" call.
Added init time configuration for the location parameters:
- "setLocation(String countryCode, String city, String location, String ipAddress)"
- "setDisableLocation()"
Crash Reporting interface added and accessible through "Countly::instance()::crash()" call.
Added "disableUnhandledCrashReporting" function to the "Config" class to disable automatic uncaught crash reporting.
Added "setMaxBreadcrumbCount(int)" function to the "Config" class to change allowed max breadcrumb count.
Added the views feature interface, and it is accessible through "Countly::instance()::views()" call.
Added a configuration function to set global view segmentation to the "Config" class:
- "views.setGlobalViewSegmentation(Map<String, Object>)"
Fixed a bug where setting custom user properties would not work.
Fixed a bug where setting organization of the user would not work.
Fixed a bug where sending a user profile picture with checksum was not possible.
Fixed a bug where running time calculation was sent as a milliseconds but should have been in seconds.
Deprecated "Countly::backendMode()" call, use "Countly::backendM" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::addLocation(double, double)" call, use "Countly::location::setLocation" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::addCrashReport()" call, use "Countly::crash" instead via "instance()" call.
The following methods are deprecated from the "UserEditor" interface:
- "commit()" instead use "Countly::userProfile::save" via "instance()" call
- "pushUnique(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::pushUnique" via "instance()" call
- "pull(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::pull" via "instance()" call
- "push(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::push" via "instance()" call
- "setOnce(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setOnce" via "instance()" call
- "max(String, double)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::saveMax" via "instance()" call
- "min(String, double)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::saveMin" via "instance()" call
- "mul(String, double)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::multiply" via "instance()" call
- "inc(String, int)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::incrementBy" via "instance()" call
- "optOutFromLocationServices()" instead use "Countly::location::disableLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setLocation(double, double)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setLocation(String)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setCountry(String)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setCity(String)" instead use "Countly::location::setLocation" via "instance()" call
- "setGender(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setBirthyear(int)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setBirthyear(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setEmail(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setName(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setUsername(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setPhone(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setPicturePath(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setOrg(String)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "setCustom(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "set(String, Object)" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
- "picture(byte[])" instead use "Countly::userProfile::setProperty" via "instance()" call
Deprecated "View::start(bool)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "View::stop(bool)" call, use "Countly::views::stopViewWithName" or "Countly::views::stopViewWithID" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::view(String)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Usage::view(String, bool)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::view(String)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::view(String, bool)" call, use "Countly::views::startView" instead via "instance()" call.
- Fixed a bug where getting the feedback widget list would fail if "salt" was enabled.
! Minor breaking change ! Calling "init" twice will now not reinitialize the SDK. The call will be ignored
! Minor breaking change ! 'bounce' and 'exit' segmentation values are now not sent from the SDK. They will be automatically applied on the server.
Session update time duration increased to 60 seconds from 30 seconds.
Adding remaining request queue size information to every request.
Adding application version information to every request.
Added the remote config feature.
Added the Remote Config module with A/B testing. It is accessible through "Countly::instance()::remoteConfig()" call.
Added configuration functions to configure Remote Config module on init:
- 'enableRemoteConfigValueCaching' to enable caching of remote config values
- 'enrollABOnRCDownload' to enroll A/B tests when remote config values downloaded
- 'enableRemoteConfigAutomaticTriggers' to automatically download remote config values on init
- 'remoteConfigRegisterGlobalCallback(RCDownloadCallback callback)' to register a remote config callback
Added the ability to set the user profile picture with a URL
Added the DeviceId interface. It is accessible through "Countly::instance()::deviceId()" call.
Added a way to get device id type by calling "Countly::deviceId::getType" via "instance()" call
The SDK now uses a different file for internal configuration. Old file will be deleted.
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to send a profile picture with binary data
Deprecated following functions from "Usage" interface and respective implementations:
- "changeDeviceIdWithoutMerge" instead use "Countly::deviceId::changeWithoutMerge" via "instance()" call
- "changeDeviceIdWithMerge" instead use "Countly::deviceId::changeWithMerge" via "instance()" call
- "getDeviceId" instead use "Countly::deviceId::getID" via "instance()" call
!! Major breaking change !! The following methods and their functionality are deprecated from the "UserEditor" interface and will not function anymore:
- "addToCohort(key)"
- "removeFromCohort(key)"
Added the feedback widget feature. Added consent for it "Config.Feature.Feedback".
Feedback module is accessible through "Countly::instance()::feedback()" call.
Deprecated call "Countly::getSession" is removed
Deprecated call "resetDeviceId" is removed
Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setEventsBufferSize(eventsBufferSize)'. Introduced replacement 'setEventQueueSizeToSend(eventsQueueSize)'
Deprecated the init time configuration of 'setSendUpdateEachSeconds(sendUpdateEachSeconds)'. Introduced replacement 'setUpdateSessionTimerDelay(delay)'
In Countly class, the old "init(directory,config)" method is deprecated, use "init(config)" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::stop(boolean)" call, use "Countly::halt" or "Countly::stop" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::event" call, deprecated builder pattern. Use "Countly::events" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Countly::timedEvent(String)" call, use "Countly::events::startEvent" instead via "instance()" call.
Deprecated "Config::setUsePOST" and "Config::enableUsePOST" calls, use "Config::enableForcedHTTPPost" instead.
The following methods are deprecated from the "Event" interface:
- "record"
- "endAndRecord"
- "addSegment"
- "addSegments"
- "setSegmentation"
- "setSum"
- "setCount"
- "setDuration"
- "isInvalid"
- Fixed internal log calls that did not respect the configured log level and did not work with the log listener.
- Adding a way to override metrics sent by "begin session" requests.
- Fixed bug where "setApplicationVersion" would not set the application version in metrics
- ! Minor breaking change ! The following methods and their functionality are deprecated from the "Config" class and will not function anymore:
- "getApplicationName"
- "setApplicationName"
The "resetDeviceId", "login", and "logout" have been deprecated.
! Minor breaking change ! The following methods and their functionality are deprecated from the "Config" class and will not function anymore:
- "enableTestMode"
- "disableTestMode"
- "isTestModeEnabled"
- "setLoggingTag"
- "setSdkName"
- "setSdkVersion"
- "getSdkName"
- "getSdkVersion"
- "isDeviceIdFallbackAllowed"
- "setDeviceIdFallbackAllowed"
- "overrideModule"
- "getModuleOverride"
- "getCrashReportingANRCheckingPeriod"
- "setCrashReportingANRCheckingPeriod"
- "disableANRCrashReporting"
! Minor breaking change ! The following methods have been removed from the "Config" class:
- "setAutoViewsTracking"
- "setAutoSessionsTracking"
- "setSessionAutoCloseAfter"
- "isAutoViewsTrackingEnabled"
- "isAutoSessionsTrackingEnabled"
- "getSessionAutoCloseAfter"
- "setSessionCooldownPeriod"
! Minor breaking change ! The "TestMode" functionality is being removed from the SDK.
! Minor breaking change ! The module override functionality is being removed from the SDK.
! Minor breaking change ! It is not possible to set the logging tag anymore.
Fixed a bug where the wrong platform field value was being sent in the view request.
Updated JSON library version from "20180813" to "20230227".
- Fixed a bug where the backend mode module produces "null pointer exceptions" in case not initialized.
- Adding mitigations to an issue that would surface when stopping a view that was not started.