It is a Commandline tool that helps to create a music mod with music of your choice for the game Stellaris by Paradox Interactive.
-m, --musicpath Required. Path containing music (.ogg) files
-n, --modname Required. Name of the mod. Can contain whitespaces
--version (Default: 1.1.0) Mod will support this version of Stellaris
--volume (Default: 0.62) Volume of every song
--modpath Location where the mod will be created
Example: MusicModCreator.exe -m "C:\MyMusic" -n "Cool Music Mod"
- The Mod will be created in 'modpath'. The default path for this is the Stellaris mod folder (e.g. C:\Users<Username>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod)
- For the tool to work there needs to be a folder present with all of the .ogg-files you want to add to the mod.
- The music-mod creator only supports .ogg-files and cannot convert other file formats to .ogg.