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DSB Maintenance Iteration 8: Agenda & Meeting Notes (14 July 2021)

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DSB Maintenance Iteration 8 - Agenda & Meeting Notes (2021-07-14)

Date and time: 14/07/2021, 2pm - 3pm AEST
Location: WebEx
Dial-in details:

Chair: Mark Verstege, DSB
Maintenance overview: Further information
Maintenance project board: See here
Decision Proposal: This maintenance iteration is being consulted on under Decision Proposal 202


Meeting notes


This week is the first call of the 8th maintenance iteration incorporating the retrospective for the 7th maintenance iteration. The purpose of the meeting is to review the open change requests and prioritise the backlog based on community input.

  • Allow 5 min for participants to join
  • Housekeeping
  • Overview, purpose and intended outcomes of the meeting


No outstanding actions

Release plan

  • v1.11.0 was published on June 30th 2021 incorporating CX standards changes and the approved change requests from the 7th maintenance iteration
  • v1.11.1: A hot fix release is planned for late July to address minor errata.
  • v1.12.0+: There is not v1.12.0 currently planned.

Iteration 7 Retrospective

You can provide your input to the Iteration 7 retrospective here:

Open Decision Proposals

The following decision proposals are open for community feedback

DP # Closing date DP
203 No closing date Normative Standards Review (2021)
200 No closing date Noting Paper 200 - Action Initiation Framework
183 23/07/2021 Decision Proposal 183 - Purpose Based Consents
182 23/07/2021 Decision Proposal 182 - InfoSec Uplift for Write
158 Closed Decision Proposal 158 - Participant capability discovery

Future Plan

Review of Q3 and new changes:

Iteration 8 Backlog Grooming

To assist with prioritisation, the DSB requests that community participants use the 👍 (+1) and 👎 (-1) emoticon buttons for each change request to nominate their voting preference.

All open change requests can be found here: Standards Maintenance Issues.

Items carried over from Maintenance Iteration 7

Items requested to be prioritised by the community

Normative Standards Review

Any other business

Address any other business arising from the community

Meeting Minutes


  • Standards documentation improvements

    • A bank raised some issues with interpretation of standards releases
    • They asked whether the structure of the future dated obligations could be reviewed.
    • They proposed aligning future dated obligations to candidate releases. A release would then target a specific set of obligations on a specific date
    • Other banks were comfortable with the current structure of the future dated obligations
    • One participant explained they primarily want stability and predictability with timelines
    • Agreed that the DSB will create an agenda item for the next iteration meeting to discuss
    • Participants were asked to raise this issue as a set of practical proposals to progress discussion
  • Issue 394

    • Problem statement: product systems don't differentiate first and middle name versus spaced first names (e.g. Mary Jane vs Mary-Jane). Having a more flexible customer name structure could allow for easier compliance with providing name data
    • One bank mentioned their KYC rules considered given names not first vs middle
    • Proposing that returning an array of first and middle names could solve this
    • Question was asked whether the same issue applies for surnames: should the change request be looking at the whole name not just given names?
  • Issue 150

  • Issue 373

    • Problem statement: The data standards use different terminology and terms at different times to mean the same thing. These should be reviewed, streamlined and standardised
    • The current problem statement considers base URI and base path however participants have also raised:
      • the term holder path
      • brand vs data holder terminology
      • data recipient vs software product terminology
  • Issue 240

  • Issue 292

  • Issue 291

    • Problem statement: Loyalty programs are significant components offered as part of products and incentivise customers taking up certain products across different sectors (including banking). Currently the loyalty program data is light on detail and structure with inconsistent implementation.
    • Introduce more structure to represent rewards programs e.g. "currency", earn rate and balance
    • Potentially a correction to PRD product description
    • Impacts to PRD and account detail

Other business

  • No other business was raised

Next Steps

  • DSB to add standards release structure as an agenda item for next meeting
  • CBA to propose practical solutions for addressing release candidates and future dated obligations
  • WBC to modify Issue #394 with a specific solution proposal
  • DSB to propose options for Issue 150
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