DB Playground is a set of docker images that create a test database in the specified system, preloaded with a default testing schema and tables (schema 'test', tables a, b, c, d, p).
Each subdirectory contains the necessary build files, as well as some convenience scripts to do common actions (to be run from WITHIN the subdir for a particular system):
- build.sh: Builds the docker image
- start.sh: Starts a new container of this image
- cli.sh: Opens the command line interface to the container's data store
- shell.sh: Opens a root shell in the container (for debugging)
- destroy.sh: Shuts down and destroys the container (use start.sh to create a new one)
Docker has a tendency to leave a bunch of intermediate image files lying around, cluttering your drive. Inside the admin dir are two commands to help keep docker clean:
- remove-stopped.sh: Remove all stopped containers
- remove-unused.sh: Reove all images not being used by a container