A slackbot plugin that acts as a general purpose Slack bot. Although botty_mcbotface is not sentient, it does display a little sense of humor.
Much inspiration drawn from snoonet's gonzobot for IRC. The main build is from lins05's slackbot, where botty_mcbotface is essentially a plugin it as well as a sort of wrapper for with some extra built-in features like a taskrunner, database (SQLite3). and a host of pre-written plugins to start with.
For more info on the setup for slackbot (number 2 & 3 below) you can read up here
Start a virtualenv in whatever directory you want to run botty, then cd into the project root and follow the remaining instructions
In your new project directory, create
from this template:API_TOKEN = 'your bot API token here' USER_TOKEN = 'your user API token here' # Default bot reply when pinged but has no command registered to respond with DEFAULT_REPLY = "Sorry but I didn't understand you" # User to send errors to in DM ERRORS_TO = 'danny' # Exclude list for .seen command channel/message search SEEN_PLUGIN_CHANNEL_BLACKLIST = ['admin'] # Your Timezone (must be pytz `timezone` compatible string) TIMEZONE = "US/Eastern" # If you want to set up the .calendar command you just need an ID. # You can also set up a cron job to check calendar at certain intervals for events and post. # To activate it set 'switch' to True and add apscheduler cron dict to 'schedule'. GOOGLE_CALENDAR = { 'id': '[email protected]', 'cron': { 'switch': True, 'log_channel': 'C5G2L3F6H', # Optionally send message to this channel when no events found 'message_channel': 'C5G2L3F6H', # Channel ID to message with event 'schedule': { 'second': '15' # 'hour': '9' } } } # Include all plugins like below, otherwise you can specify with multiple list items PLUGINS = [ 'botty_mcbotface.plugins' ]
Create a
file, this is the main entry point:#!/usr/bin/env python from slackbot.bot import Bot from botty_mcbotface import log from botty_mcbotface.task_runner import stop_task_runner bot = Bot() def main(): """Start slackbot""" try: bot = Bot() bot.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: log.info('Shutting down...') return stop_task_runner() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
pip install botty-mcbotface
python run.py
: -
To see the list of stock plugins and their commands, while botty is running in you Slack, type
(make sure this is in a Slack channel that botty is also invited).
You can create custom tasks/routines using the @bot_routine
def bot_routine(interval, cron=None, delay=0, run_once=False) -> Callable:
Function decorator to designate function as a task.
:param interval: Interval in seconds between runing the task.
:param cron: Dict containing cron schedule configuration.
:param delay: Integer indicating whether to run task immediately or offset by interval.
:param run_once: Boolean indicating whether to run task once or as a routine.
:return decorator:
from botty_mcbotface.task_runner import bot_routine
DAILY: int = 60 * 60 * 24
@bot_routine(DAILY, delay=15)
def daily():
print('I run once initially after a delay, then every 24 hours.')
For cron routines the decorator uses the apscheduler under the hood. The cron dict it accepts is therefore the same. More info on defining cron jobs here.
@bot_routine(None, cron={'hour': '13'})
def cron_routine():
print('I run every day at 1pm.')
The MIT License (see LICENSE)