added: featured groups can now be selected as a filter tab
added: you can now search for group members on the group members page
changed: always return user in group invite autocomplete
changed: group membership decline from prompt to lightbox
changed: offloaded group mail sending #65
changed: tool preset button has title
changed: refactors a lot of js into amd
fixed: deprecated use of class var in menuitem factory
fixed: group default access can be more public than content access
fixed: group edit visual flickering on load
fixed: group invite all friends button styling
fixed: group invite text is now sticky
fixed: index widget for groups used wrong url
fixed: js module not loading
fixed: language key usage
fixed: not using variable for group check
fixed: syntax errors
fixed: user gets notification when removing own group membership request
removed: show widgets on closed groups
removed: unused language keys
You can’t perform that action at this time.