Releases: CoffeeITWorks/ansible_burpui_server
Releases · CoffeeITWorks/ansible_burpui_server
fixes for werkzeug and molecule-podman
- fix for #28 issues with dependencies and python 3.10
- python3 only supported
- breaks support for ubuntu 2004
- support ubuntu 2204
- breaks support for Redhat family 8
- Adds support for Redhat family 9
- installs from source by default
- redesign install using virtualenv
- Update to burpui_version 1.0.0
- See the breaking changes in
- Parallel option will be added and tested on next version
- breaks compatibility with old burpui versions
- closes #12 added doc about hashpassword
Fixes on molecule v4 tests and latest galaxy meta compatibility
Fixes on molecule v4 tests and latest galaxy meta compatibility
migrate to github actions, improve tests for dev and stable, new OS support
migrate to github actions, improve tests for dev and stable, new OS support
- Remove python2 support
- Update tests to github actions
- support ubuntu 2004
- no more support for old OS versions
Upgrade to molecule v3
Merge pull request #20 from CoffeeITWorks/develop update to molecule v3
upgrade to burpui 0.6.1
- changes to be compatible with burpui 0.6.1
- Removed deprecated config lines
update to burp-ui 0.6.6
Move by default to python3 and systemd with many fixes
- keep burpui-agent to 0.6.1 as: can't migrate to 0.6.5 until upgrade burp to 2.2.12+
- Update python3 to python3.6 on Redhat/Centos
- Move default installation to python3
- Support bui-celery to systemd
- Move default to systemd