Version 0.20.1-next.0
0.20.1-next.0 (2023-08-20)
Bug Fixes
- datapack rename and close causes name duplication when the old name is present in the old name; rename and clone now also take into account other global keys such on product2 datapacks. (fbd723d)
- decomposed metadata fragments do are not deploy without a parent (a2e187c)
- readFileAsString causes circular reference in VSCodeFileSystemAdapter (dadd47f)
- refreshing developer logs does not await refresh causing errors to not be reported back if any occurred (376f6ef)
- salesforce core tries to load messages that do not exists in a bundled context (852893f)
- when a record groups only has skipped records it is incorrectly reported as failed (dba71f4)
- accurately measure extension startup performance (87d7e88)
- add deploy difference command which only pushes changed metadata files to the org (ed21dad)
- determining the differences between the deployed and retrieved data used to depend on the order of the elements in the XML; now the order is only considered relevant for layouts and flexipages which use the order of the elements in the XML as order of the elements on the screen. (0dd7048)
- improve build system and reduce load time of extension on startup by 40% (692de00)
- support generation of LWCs components from OmniScripts (a885d52)
0.20.0-alpha.1 (2023-08-14)
Note: Version bump only for package vlocode-project
0.20.0-alpha.0 (2023-08-12)
Bug Fixes
- access token is not updated on refresh on SFDX store due to syntax mismatch (a017ad6)
- connection.request is not backward compatible with JSForce (600aeaa)
- deploy metadata does not resume when resume button is clicked (49481a5)
- error code not mapped correctly in transport layer (9cf22f0)
- managed package layouts do not export (6cad8d4)
- open in org does not work for Vlocity Cards without a version (738b2c9)
- retrieve metadata command does work (4e57901)
- support thenCall on promise returned by request for backward compatibility (9cd3afc)
- when trace flags are remove outside of VSCode an error is thrown during trace flags refresh (6cd7abc)