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Carthage compatible

figo iOS SDK

This Framework wraps the figo Connect API endpoints in nicely typed Swift functions and types for your conveniece. It supports iOS, OSX, watchOS and tvOS targets.

figo Connect API

The figo Connect API allows you to easily access your bank account including transaction history and submitting payments.

For a general introduction to figo and figo Connect please visit our main page.

Albeit figo offers an interface to submit wire transfers, payment processing is not our focus. Our main interest is bringing peoples bank accounts into applications allowing a more seamless and rich user experience.

API Reference:

Registering your application

Applications that would like to access the figo Connect have to register with us beforehand. If you would like to use figo Connect in your application, please email us. We would love to hear from you what you have in mind and will generate a client identifier and client secret for your application without any bureaucracy.




  • Add figo as a git submodule by running the following command:

    $ git submodule add

  • Open the new folder and drag the Figo.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator of your application's Xcode project.

  • Select the Figo.xcodeproj in the Project Navigator and verify the deployment target matches that of your application target.

  • Add the Figo.framework to your target(s) in the "Embedded Binaries" sections


  • Install Carthage

    If you don't have Carthage already installed, download and run the .pkg installer for the latest release from Github or use the Homebrew package manager.

  • Add a new Cartfile to your project folder or update your existing Cartfile with

    github "figome/ios-sdk"

  • Checkout Dependencies

    Run carthage update in your project folder to download and build the newest compatible versions of the figo Framework and it's dependecies.

    You can specify carthage update --platform iOS if you only need the iOS build.

  • Add Frameworks

    The built artifacts can be found in your project folder under Carthage/Build. From there choose the corresponding folder for your target platform(s) and add the frameworks by dragging them into the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in Xcode.

    If you have problems with App Store submission because your app contains binary images for the simulator, add a new Run Script build phase with the command

    /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

    and an entry for each target platform:



After creating an instance of FigoClient you can call functions on it representing the API endpoints. These functions will always return a Result<T>, where T will a corresponding type like Account, [Account] or [Transaction].

import Figo
let figo = FigoClient()

Take a look at the test cases to see more examples of interaction with the API.

Create user

To be able to login and use the figo API a user is required.

let params = CreateUserParameters(name: username, email: username, password: password, sendNewsletter: false, language: "de", affiliateUser: nil, affiliateClientID: nil)
figo.createNewFigoUser(params, clientID: clientID, clientSecret: clientSecret) { result in


figo.loginWithUsername(username, password: password, clientID: clientID, clientSecret: clientSecret) { result in
    self.refreshToken = result.value

Retrieve all accounts

figo.retrieveAccounts() { result in
    if let accounts = result.value {
		for account in accounts {

Check for errors

figo.retrieveAccounts() { result in
    switch result {
    case .Success(let accounts):
        print("Recieved \(accounts.count) accounts")
    case .Failure(let error):

Enable logging

Since the FigoClient by default uses the default instance of XCGLogger, you can control logging from wherever you like. You can also provide your own XCGLogger instance in the initializer.

XCGLogger.defaultInstance().setup(.Verbose, showFunctionName: false, showDate: false, showThreadName: false, showLogLevel: false, showFileNames: false, showLineNumbers: false, writeToFile: nil, fileLogLevel: .None)



The central element of this API is the figo user, who owns bank accounts and grants selective access to them to other applications. This account can either be a free or a premium account. While both support the same set of features, the free account can only be used with the application through it got created, while a premium account can be used in all applications integrating figo.

createNewFigoUser(user: CreateUserParameters, clientID: String, clientSecret: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<String>) -> Void)
retrieveCurrentUser(completionHandler: (Result<User>) -> Void)
deleteCurrentUser(completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)


The figo API uses OAuth 2 for authentication purposes and you need a user to login.

loginWithUsername(username: String, password: String, clientID: String, clientSecret: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<String>) -> Void)
loginWithRefreshToken(refreshToken: String, clientID: String, clientSecret: String, _ completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)
revokeAccessToken(completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)
revokeRefreshToken(refreshToken: String, _ completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)


Bank accounts are the central domain object of this API and the main anchor point for many of the other resources. This API does not only consider classical bank accounts as account, but also alternative banking services, e.g. credit cards or Paypal. The API does not distinguish between these two in most points.

retrieveAccounts(completionHandler: (Result<[Account]>) -> Void)
retrieveAccount(accountID: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<Account>) -> Void)
removeStoredPinFromBankContact(bankID: String, _ completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)
setupNewBankAccount(parameters: CreateAccountParameters, progressHandler: ProgressUpdate? = nil, _ completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)


Each bank account has a list of transactions associated with it. The length of this list depends on the bank and time this account has been setup. In general the information provided for each transaction should be roughly similar to the contents of the printed or online transaction statement available from the respective bank. Please note that not all banks provide the same level of detail.

retrieveTransactions(parameters: RetrieveTransactionsParameters = RetrieveTransactionsParameters(), _ completionHandler: (Result<TransactionListEnvelope>) -> Void)
retrieveTransactionsForAccount(accountID: String, parameters: RetrieveTransactionsParameters = RetrieveTransactionsParameters(), _ completionHandler: (Result<TransactionListEnvelope>) -> Void)
retrieveTransaction(transactionID: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<Transaction>) -> Void)


As banks commonly do not provide a push mechanism for distributing transaction updates, they need to be polled, which is called synchronization in this API. When triggering a synchronization please make sure that either the PIN for the bank contact is stored inside figo or that the user has the possibility to enter it.

Usually the bank accounts are synchronized on a daily basis. However, the synchronization can be triggered manually.

synchronize(parameters parameters: CreateSyncTaskParameters = CreateSyncTaskParameters(), progressHandler: ProgressUpdate? = nil, pinHandler: PinResponder, completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)

Supported banks and services

To set up a new bank account in figo, you need to provide the right kind of credentials for each bank. These settings can be retrieved from the API aswell as a list of all supported banks and bank-like services.

retrieveSupportedBanks(countryCode: String = "de", _ completionHandler: (Result<[SupportedBank]>) -> Void)
retrieveSupportedServices(countryCode: String = "de", _ completionHandler: (Result<[SupportedService]>) -> Void)
retrieveLoginSettings(countryCode: String = "de", bankCode: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<LoginSettings>) -> Void)


In addition to retrieving information on a bank account, this API also provides the ability to submit wires in the name of the account owner.

Submitting a new payment generally is a two-phased process: 1. compile all information on the payment by creating and modifying a payment object 2. submitting that payment object to the bank.

While the first part is normal live interaction with this API, the second one uses the task processing system to allow for more time as bank servers are sometimes slow to respond. In addition you will need a TAN (Transaktionsnummer) from your bank to authenticate the submission.

retrievePaymentProposals(completionHandler: Result<[PaymentProposal]> -> Void)
retrievePayments(completionHandler: Result<[Payment]> -> Void)
retrievePaymentsForAccount(accountID: String, _ completionHandler: Result<[Payment]> -> Void)
retrievePayment(paymentID: String, accountID: String, _ completionHandler: Result<Payment> -> Void)
createPayment(parameters: CreatePaymentParameters, _ completionHandler: Result<Payment> -> Void)
modifyPayment(payment: Payment, _ completionHandler: Result<Payment> -> Void)
submitPayment(payment: Payment, tanSchemeID: String, pinHandler: PinResponder, challengeHandler: ChallengeResponder, _ completionHandler: VoidCompletionHandler)


Each depot account has a list of securities associated with it. In general the information provided for each security should be roughly similar to the contents of the printed or online depot listings available from the respective bank. Please note that not all banks provide the same level of detail.

retrieveSecurities(parameters: RetrieveSecuritiesParameters = RetrieveSecuritiesParameters(), _ completionHandler: (Result<SecurityListEnvelope>) -> Void)
retrieveSecuritiesForAccount(accountID: String, parameters: RetrieveSecuritiesParameters = RetrieveSecuritiesParameters(), _ completionHandler: (Result<SecurityListEnvelope>) -> Void)
retrieveSecurity(securityID: String, accountID: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<Security>) -> Void)

Standing orders

Bank accounts can have standing orders associated with it if supported by the respective bank. In general the information provided for each standing order should be roughly similar to the content of the printed or online standing order statement available from the respective bank. Please note that not all banks provide the same level of detail.

retrieveStandingOrders(completionHandler: (Result<[StandingOrder]>) -> Void)
retrieveStandingOrdersForAccount(accountID: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<[StandingOrder]>) -> Void)
retrieveStandingOrder(standingOrderID: String, _ completionHandler: (Result<StandingOrder>) -> Void)


The Figo Framework uses the following 3rd-party utilities:








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  • Swift 99.7%
  • Objective-C 0.3%