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This is a command-line Scrabble game written in C++ to explore object oriented programming.

NOTICE for users of v1.0

  • Users of v1.0 MUST re-install the application, as the update to v1.1 or higher contains breaking changes
  • All future updates will conform to these changes

Build requirements

It is required that you have some kind of Linux environment available. If you are not on a Linux machine, either use a VM or, if you are on Windows, set up WSL.

The build dependencies are:

  • cmake
  • git
  • make
  • g++

To install them, run-

# For Arch and Arch-based distributions (Manjaro, Artix, etc)
$ sudo pacman -S cmake git gcc --needed

# For Debian and Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu, Pop_OS, etc)
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install cmake git g++

Build instructions

  • Clone this repo
$ git clone
  • Move into project directory
$ cd rp-scrabble
  • Build

Run the install script with the appropriate argument-

$ ./ arch # for Arch and Arch-based distributions (Manjaro, Artix, etc)
$ ./ debian # for Debian and Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu, Pop_OS, etc)
$ ./ custom # for other distributions
  • Now, simply running rp-scrabble should launch the game.
  • If it doesn't launch, check the output of $ echo $PATH. If it does not contain your-home-dir/.local/bin, add it to your PATH like this-
# You can replace $HOME/.bashrc with whatever shellrc you use
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ source $HOME/.bashrc

Other notes

  • You can find the documentation for this project here
  • Keep the repo up to date by running git pull every once in a while in the project directory. Remember to rerun the install script after pulling to bring any changes into effect.
  • Log files are stored in $HOME/.local/share/rp-scrabble/logs
  • To uninstall, run the install script with the uninstall argument in the project directory
     $ ./ uninstall

NOTE This will also remove any log files created

  • If you find any problems, please open up an issue