- mongorestore --db veteran_ready dump/veteran_ready
- mongodump -d veteran_ready
- npm install
- node keystone
- npm install -g nodemon
- nodemon keystone -e hbs,js
Then go to the homepage. Username is [email protected] and password is admin.
- This site runs on a very old and probably vulnerability-riddled version of Node (like pre 1.0), so be aware and don't bother using your current Node version either.
This project is built using Keystone.js, which is a Node.js Content Management System and Web Application Platform. You can find out more at http://keystonejs.com/.
You may need to have MongoDB running in a separate terminal for the application to start. You can find instructions for installing and running MongoDB on OSX at https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/. If you are using Linux or Windows, find the appropriate link on the left side of the page. I'm building this site with a Mac, so Windows or Linux users may have to jump through some hoops to get the project up and running on their machine.
You will need to create a .env file in your main directory. It may contain all of the following:
- COOKIE_SECRET={a random string to encrypt cookies}
- CLOUDINARY_URL={your cloudinary url}
- MANDRILL_APIKEY={your mandrill api key}
- MANDRILL_USERNAME={your mandrill username}
- EMBEDLY_APIKEY={your embedly key}
- APP_ENV=local
- NODE_ENV=development
- MONGO_URL='mongodb://localhost/veteran_ready'
- MONGO_URI={your mongo connection uri} # can also be MONGOLAB_URI
- GA_DOMAIN={your google analytics domain} # optional
- GA_PROPERTY={your google analytics property} # optional
- PORT={the port to listen on} # defaults to 3000, automatically set by paas (e.g. heroku)