SmallEodClient - JavaScript client for small_eod_client No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 1.0.4
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install small_eod_client --save
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your small_eod_client from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
You should now be able to require('small_eod_client')
in javascript files from the directory you ran the last command above from.
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install watchdogpolska/small-eod-sdk-javascript --save
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var SmallEodClient = require('small_eod_client');
var defaultClient = SmallEodClient.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
var Basic = defaultClient.authentications['Basic'];
Basic.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
Basic.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
// Configure API key authorization: Bearer
var Bearer = defaultClient.authentications['Bearer'];
Bearer.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//Bearer.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"
var api = new SmallEodClient.CasesApi()
var data = new SmallEodClient.CaseCount(); // {CaseCount}
api.casesCreate(data).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8000/api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesCreate | POST /cases/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesDelete | DELETE /cases/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesList | GET /cases/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesNotifiedUserList | GET /cases/{case_pk}/notifiedUser/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesNotifiedUserRead | GET /cases/{case_pk}/notifiedUser/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesPartialUpdate | PATCH /cases/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesRead | GET /cases/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesResponsibleUserList | GET /cases/{case_pk}/responsibleUser/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesResponsibleUserRead | GET /cases/{case_pk}/responsibleUser/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CasesApi | casesUpdate | PUT /cases/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.ChannelsApi | channelsCreate | POST /channels/ | |
SmallEodClient.ChannelsApi | channelsDelete | DELETE /channels/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.ChannelsApi | channelsList | GET /channels/ | |
SmallEodClient.ChannelsApi | channelsPartialUpdate | PATCH /channels/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.ChannelsApi | channelsRead | GET /channels/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.ChannelsApi | channelsUpdate | PUT /channels/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesEventsList | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{case_pk}/events/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesEventsRead | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{case_pk}/events/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesLettersList | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{case_pk}/letters/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesLettersRead | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{case_pk}/letters/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesList | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesNotesList | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{case_pk}/notes/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesNotesRead | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{case_pk}/notes/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCasesRead | GET /collections/{collection_pk}/cases/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsCreate | POST /collections/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsDelete | DELETE /collections/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsList | GET /collections/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsPartialUpdate | PATCH /collections/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsRead | GET /collections/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsTokensCreate | POST /collections/{collection_pk}/tokens/ | |
SmallEodClient.CollectionsApi | collectionsUpdate | PUT /collections/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.DocumentTypesApi | documentTypesCreate | POST /document_types/ | |
SmallEodClient.DocumentTypesApi | documentTypesDelete | DELETE /document_types/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.DocumentTypesApi | documentTypesList | GET /document_types/ | |
SmallEodClient.DocumentTypesApi | documentTypesPartialUpdate | PATCH /document_types/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.DocumentTypesApi | documentTypesRead | GET /document_types/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.DocumentTypesApi | documentTypesUpdate | PUT /document_types/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.EventsApi | eventsCreate | POST /events/ | |
SmallEodClient.EventsApi | eventsDelete | DELETE /events/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.EventsApi | eventsList | GET /events/ | |
SmallEodClient.EventsApi | eventsPartialUpdate | PATCH /events/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.EventsApi | eventsRead | GET /events/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.EventsApi | eventsUpdate | PUT /events/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresCreate | POST /features/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresDelete | DELETE /features/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresFeatureoptionCreate | POST /features/{feature_pk}/featureoption/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresFeatureoptionDelete | DELETE /features/{feature_pk}/featureoption/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresFeatureoptionList | GET /features/{feature_pk}/featureoption/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresFeatureoptionPartialUpdate | PATCH /features/{feature_pk}/featureoption/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresFeatureoptionRead | GET /features/{feature_pk}/featureoption/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresFeatureoptionUpdate | PUT /features/{feature_pk}/featureoption/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresList | GET /features/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresPartialUpdate | PATCH /features/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresRead | GET /features/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.FeaturesApi | featuresUpdate | PUT /features/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.InstitutionsApi | institutionsCreate | POST /institutions/ | |
SmallEodClient.InstitutionsApi | institutionsDelete | DELETE /institutions/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.InstitutionsApi | institutionsList | GET /institutions/ | |
SmallEodClient.InstitutionsApi | institutionsPartialUpdate | PATCH /institutions/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.InstitutionsApi | institutionsRead | GET /institutions/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.InstitutionsApi | institutionsUpdate | PUT /institutions/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersCreate | POST /letters/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersDelete | DELETE /letters/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFileSignCreate | POST /letters/file/sign | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFilesCreate | POST /letters/{letter_pk}/files/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFilesDelete | DELETE /letters/{letter_pk}/files/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFilesList | GET /letters/{letter_pk}/files/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFilesPartialUpdate | PATCH /letters/{letter_pk}/files/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFilesRead | GET /letters/{letter_pk}/files/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersFilesUpdate | PUT /letters/{letter_pk}/files/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersList | GET /letters/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersPartialUpdate | PATCH /letters/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersRead | GET /letters/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.LettersApi | lettersUpdate | PUT /letters/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.NotesApi | notesCreate | POST /notes/ | |
SmallEodClient.NotesApi | notesDelete | DELETE /notes/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.NotesApi | notesList | GET /notes/ | |
SmallEodClient.NotesApi | notesPartialUpdate | PATCH /notes/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.NotesApi | notesRead | GET /notes/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.NotesApi | notesUpdate | PUT /notes/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.TagsApi | tagsCreate | POST /tags/ | |
SmallEodClient.TagsApi | tagsDelete | DELETE /tags/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.TagsApi | tagsList | GET /tags/ | |
SmallEodClient.TagsApi | tagsPartialUpdate | PATCH /tags/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.TagsApi | tagsRead | GET /tags/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.TagsApi | tagsUpdate | PUT /tags/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersAuth | GET /users/auth/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersCreate | POST /users/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersDelete | DELETE /users/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersExchange | GET /users/exchange/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersList | GET /users/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersPartialUpdate | PATCH /users/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersRead | GET /users/{id}/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersRefresh | POST /users/refresh/ | |
SmallEodClient.UsersApi | usersUpdate | PUT /users/{id}/ |
- SmallEodClient.CaseCount
- SmallEodClient.Channel
- SmallEodClient.Collection
- SmallEodClient.DocumentType
- SmallEodClient.Event
- SmallEodClient.Feature
- SmallEodClient.FeatureOption
- SmallEodClient.File
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse200
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2001
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse20010
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse20011
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse20012
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse20013
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2002
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2003
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2004
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2005
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2006
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2007
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2008
- SmallEodClient.InlineResponse2009
- SmallEodClient.Institution
- SmallEodClient.Letter
- SmallEodClient.ModelCase
- SmallEodClient.NestedFeatureOption
- SmallEodClient.Note
- SmallEodClient.RefreshTokenRequest
- SmallEodClient.Request
- SmallEodClient.SignRequest
- SmallEodClient.Tag
- SmallEodClient.TokenResponse
- SmallEodClient.TokenSet
- SmallEodClient.User
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: authorization
- Location: URL query string