This library is no longer maintained as I have left the ATM industry. Hopefully it provides some help and guidance to others still working with Paragon software.
This library is used for interacting with a Paragon Virtual ATM via the published API.
Paragon has updated its API methods to support multiple screens. As such, API methods for pulling back a screenshot or reading OCR text now take a parameter indicating which screen the data should come from. Hence the nuget package has been updated to support this change, defaulting to an empty string, which aligns with requesting data from the primary monitor. Thus this nuget package will allow existing code to work again, unchanged, and at the same time, optionally provide the ability to specify which screen the data should come from. Enjoy.
Support for multiple terminal profiles was added to Simulation.json. To accomplish this, a Preferences:SimulationProfile configuration parameter was added. See the sample Simulation.json below. The value of this parameter is how the library chooses which Terminal.{profile name} to choose for connection. If unspecified, the library will throw an exception.
The AvailableScreens.json was restructured, such that, rather than assigning a "Match Confidence" and "Edit Distance" to an entire ScreenModel, they are now per-phrase configuration. In this more granular approach, each phrase can be uniquely adjusted, rather than trying to find a one-size-fits-all setting for every phrase in that ScreenModel. See the sample below which reflects the new structure.
Add latest CodeFoxtrot.ParagonAtmLibrary to your project via 'Manage Nuget Packages'...
or via command line...
dotnet add package CodeFoxtrot.ParagonAtmLibrary --version 1.x.x
or via your .csproj file...
<PackageReference Include="CodeFoxtrot.ParagonAtmLibrary" Version="1.x.x" />
Add this to your ConfigureServices() method:
Specify your WebFast account, API endpoints if different from the defaults, a download path for storing screenshots, and the connection details for the Virtual ATM...
"WebFast": {
"Username": "bfontana",
"Password": "",
"GroupId": 8
"ApiEndpoint": {
"Agent": "/api/v1/agent",
"Connection": "/api/v1/connection",
"VirtualMachine": "/api/v1/vm",
"Atm": "/api/v1/atm",
"WebFast": "/api/v1/wft"
"Preferences": {
"SimulationProfile": "VMISED01",
"DownloadPath": "C:\\Users\\Brian\\Desktop\\Screenshots"
"Terminal.VMISED01": {
"Platform": "Edge",
"Host": "",
"HwProfile": "1744febb-dd28-433e-aa1b-33139c820d2e",
"StartupApps": [
"StandardDelayMS": 1000,
"StartupDelaySeconds": 420
"Terminal.VMISDB01": {
"Platform": "Vista",
"Host": "",
"HwProfile": "debae18a-1308-4089-ad77-7eae88410753",
"StartupApps": [
"StandardDelayMS": 1000,
"StartupDelaySeconds": 200
Note: The "Terminal" configuration section is used by the demo to determine which Virtual ATM to connect with. In the above example, "Terminal.Vista" will be ignored, and you can rename the sections to swap which profile is the active one.
This JSON is used to define each screen. This is completely subjective, so you'll need to adjust accordingly with your testing.
Each screen is given a name, and an array of phrases. Each phrase will have a corresponding 'MatchConfidence' and 'EditDistance' setting to help overcome minor inconsistencies with the OCR screen matching. By supporting an array of phrases you can define multiple ways for matching that screen, e.g. cross-vendor phrasing or English vs Spanish language.
The MatchConfidence and EditDistance parameters are provided to accomodate variability with the Paragon screen OCR technology. OCR will not always read every word correctly from the screen.
EditDistance - Similar to spell check, specify the maximum acceptable character difference when comparing two words for equality. E.g. with an EditDistance=2, 'vout' would be considered matching with the word 'your'.
MatchConfidence - Specify the percentage of words from a given phrase that must match with the on-screen text, in order to declare a phrase as matching based on the on-screen text.
"AvailableScreens": [
"Name": "Welcome",
"Phrases": [
"Text": "Please insert your card",
"MatchConfidence": 0.85,
"EditDistance": 1
"Text": "Por favor inserte su tarjeta",
"MatchConfidence": 0.85,
"EditDistance": 1
"Text": "Please insert and remove your card",
"MatchConfidence": 0.85,
"EditDistance": 1
"Text": "Por favor inserte y retire su tarjeta",
"MatchConfidence": 0.85,
"EditDistance": 1
"Name": "OutOfService",
"Phrases": [
"Text": "This ATM is temporarily unavailable We're sorry for the inconvenience",
"MatchConfidence": 0.80,
"EditDistance": 1
"Text": "Sorry this ATM is temporarily out of service",
"MatchConfidence": 0.80,
"EditDistance": 1
"Text": "Sorry this machine is temporarily out of service",
"MatchConfidence": 0.80,
"EditDistance": 1
Using the Paragon-provided APIs and the additional automations provided by this library, inject any of the following services and consume their methods in whatever sequence works for what you are attempting to achieve!
GetAgentStatusAsync(), GetUserGroupsAsync(), OpenHwProfileAsync(), StartAtmAppAsync(), OpenSesisonAsync(), CloseSesisonAsync()
OpenAsync(), CloseAsync(), SaveCloseAsync(), SaveCloseRebootAsync(), CloseRebootAsync()
GetScreenJpegAsync(), GetScreenTextAsync(), ClickScreenAsync(), GetLocationByTextAsync()
GetServicesAsync(), GetDeviceStateAsync(), InsertCardAsync(), TakeCardAsync(), PressKeyAsync(), PressTtuKeyAsync(), GetPinpadKeysAsync(), ChangeOperatorSwitchAsync(), PushOperatorSwitchAsync(), EnterDieboldSupervisorModeAsync(), ExitDieboldSupervisorModeAsync(), OperatorSwitchStatusAsync(), InsertMediaAsync(), TakeMediaAsync(), TakeReceiptAsync(), RecoverAsync()
ConnectAsync(), DisconnectAsync(), DispatchToIdleAsync(), TakeAllMediaAsync(), SaveScreenshotAsync()
CompareText() / CompareTextAsync(), FindAndClickAsync(), GetScreenWordsAsync(), MatchScreen() / MatchScreenAsync(), WaitForScreenAsync(), WaitForScreensAsync(), WaitForTextAsync()