appInfos plugin allows you to get some informations about the app, like its version number.
- import the plugin to your project as explained here
- Add the cobalt.appInfos.js to your web JS folder
- Add an html link to the cobalt.appInfos.js plugin script after the cobalt link in the HEAD tag
use the cobalt.getAppInfos shortcut like this
//somewhere after cobalt inited
//You received device infos.
cobalt.log('app version is :', infos.versionNumber)
Current full returned fields are :
field | type | description |
versionName | string | the public verbose version number of the app. |
versionCode | number | the build number of the app (for app submissions). |
deviceID | string | a unique id you can use to identifiy this app user on this device (for push notifications or so) |
lang | string | the device current language. |
Sample :
versionName : "1.5.2",
versionCode : 4,
deviceID : "645EAC64-[...]0F5",
lang : 'en-US'
- appName ?
- other ideas ? propose yours in the issues tracker
- ...