You need to prepare PROJECT_API_KEY
before deploy. It can be generated in the project's settings on Comakery.
Open project's transfers page as an admin. You will see "Deploy a robo wallet" link if it not deployed yet.
In this way it fill all nefcessary fields except of PROJECT_API_KEY
, so fill this field manually.
For projects with attached LockupToken
contract you also must fill ETHEREUM_APPROVAL_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
It should be filled with basic ERC20 contract address which the LockupToken contract operates.
As an alternative you can click the link bellow and fill all ENVs manully but you must know what to do.
After successful deploy you can see the Robo Wallet address on the Project's transfers page. Now we must configure this wallet to be able to sign and transfer transactions.
First of all the Robo Wallet must have enough ETHs or SOLs to pay a fee for each transaction, so you should top up the Robo Wallet address.
To send tokens the Robo Wallet must have enough token balance, so top up the Robo Wallet address with tokens.
yarn install
cp .env.example .env
Change ENV variables to actual in .env
The standard defines following rules for transaction fees:
1) TxFee = (baseFeePerGas + maxPriorityFeePerGas) * gasAmount
2) MaxFeePerGas >= (baseFeePerGas + maxPriorityFeePerGas)
- total amount in gwei to be paid as transaction fee (calculated by network via baseFeePerGas
– amount in gwei to be burnt when tx is included in a block (calculated by network for every block)
– amount in gwei to be trasnfered to a miner (controlled with env variable)
– max amount in gwei per gas to be paid as transaction fee (controlled with env variable)
bin/start # Start Robowallet
bin/stop # Stop Robowallet
bin/restart # Restart Robowallet
bin/list # List processes
bin/logs # Show logs
yarn test