This is a collaborative effort undertaken by Fraunhofer SCAI group(Stepan Gebel, Alpha Tom Kodamullil, Sumit Madan, Johannes Darms), University of Michigan(Yongqun "Oliver" He), NIH PubChem (Qingliang "Leon" Li), and NIH/NHGRI (Asiyah Lin) to develop an ontology to represent clinical trials using a small set of core terms.
The CTO-core uses Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as its top level ontology.
OPMI led by University of Michigan and other OBO foundry ontologies serve as the pool of existing terms to import into CTO core.
The small set of terms were primarily based on the WHO/ICMJE – ClinicalTrials.gov Cross Reference selected from ClinicalTrials.gov and WHO clinical trial terms
- CTO: A Community-Based Clinical Trial Ontology and Its Applications in PubChemRDF and SCAIView. [ slides (pdf), talk video (mp4, 10MB) ]
Authors: Asiyah Yu Lin, Stephan Gebel, Qingliang Leon Li, Sumit Madan, Johannes Darms, Evan Bolton, Barry Smith, Martin Hofmann- Apitius, Yongqun Oliver He, Alpha Tom Kodamullil
Journal: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2807/; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9389640/
- src/ontology/modules
- contains OntoFox input files
- manually created
- src/ontology/modules/
- contains OntoFox output files
- automatically generated
- src/ontology/ClinicalTrialOntology.owl
- main devlopement file, imports module
- manually created
- src/ontology/catalog-v001.xml
- Protege catalog file that links IRIs from impored modules to relative file paths
- manually created
- cto.owl
- most recent release (merged main devlopement file with all imported modules
- automatically generated