Convert Word templates to HTML via markdown, extracting media, cleaning bib files
Main script is scripts/
The scripts require pandoc which runs to create Markdown and HTML files.
The command line tool sed
is used to substitute patterns left over from the translation to Markdown from docx.
pandoc --extract-media=. -f docx -t markdown -o Lecture_6.1.docx
At present, square brackets and @ around citations have backslaces pre-pended which need to be removed.
Then, images need to be linked using, for example
![A caption](../Assets/Figure_6.1.3.pdf){ width=100% height=100% }
Finally pandoc is used to render the citations and generate a formatted and styled HTML file ready for online publication.
pandoc --citeproc --bibliography Lecture_6.1.bib -o lecture_6.html
For publication to OpenLearnCreate, the most convenient route seems to be to create a SCORM package for each lecture block.
There are a few hacky approaches to creating the SCORM package, and most involve manually inserting files.
Then, using markdown2scorm package the html with all assets into a SCORM archive using libscorm and then upload the archive.
Alternatively, SCORM package could provide a hacky way to get the content onto Moodle easily
The most promising route appears to be to do this manually building on the template SCORM Package provided by SCORM package. Extending the Jinja2 templating provided to allow multiple files to be inserted in the structure needed seems most promising.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest identifier="test_package" xmlns="" xmlns:adlcp="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:lom="" xsi:schemaLocation=" imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd">
<schema>ADL SCORM</schema>
<lom:langstring>Lecture Block 1</lom:langstring>
<organizations default="lecture_block_1_organization">
<organization identifier="lecture_block_1_organization">
<title>Lecture Block 1</title>
<item identifier="item1" identifierref="lecture_1_1" isvisible="true">
<title>Mini Lecture 1.1</title>
<item identifier="item2" identifierref="lecture_1_2" isvisible="true">
<title>Mini Lecture 1.2</title>
<item identifier="item3" identifierref="lecture_1_3" isvisible="true">
<title>Mini Lecture 1.3</title>
<item identifier="item4" identifierref="lecture_1_4" isvisible="true">
<title>Mini Lecture 1.4</title>
<resource identifier="lecture_1_1" type="webcontent" adlcp:scormtype="sco" href="res/Lecture_1.1.html">
<file href="res/Lecture_1.1.html"/>
<resource identifier="lecture_1_2" type="webcontent" adlcp:scormtype="sco" href="res/Lecture_1.2.html">
<file href="res/Lecture_1.2.html"/>
<resource identifier="lecture_1_3" type="webcontent" adlcp:scormtype="sco" href="res/Lecture_1.3.html">
<file href="res/Lecture_1.3.html"/>
<resource identifier="lecture_1_4" type="webcontent" adlcp:scormtype="sco" href="res/Lecture_1.4.html">
<file href="res/Lecture_1.4.html"/>