This is an http server that can be used to test the Mozilla DeepSpeech project or its successor, the Coqui STT project. You need an environment with DeepSpeech or Coqui to run this server.
This code uses the DeepSpeech 0.7 APIs and Coqui STT 1.0 APIs.
Before starting, you'll need to choose an engine.
First, install deepspeech. Depending on your system you can use the CPU package:
pip3 install deepspeech
Or the GPU package:
pip3 install deepspeech-gpu
First, install stt (published by Coqui). There is only one package available, but not to worry - it supports both CPU-bound and GPU environments:
pip3 install stt
Then you can install the deepspeech server:
python3 install
The server is also available on pypi, so you can install it with pip:
pip3 install deepspeech-server
Note that python 3.5 is the minimum version required to run the server.
deepspeech-server --config config.json
The quality of the speech-to-text engine depends heavily on which models it loads at runtime. Think of them as a sort of pattern that controls how the engine works.
Coqui and deepspeech models both run on tensorflow, but the way they are built means that the models for one cannot be used for the other. Note that the files used for vocabulary (the so-called scorers) ARE compatible. Refer to the below table:
Name | Extension | Engine Support |
Protobuf | .pb | Deepspeech |
Memory-mapped Protobuf | .pbmm | DeepSpeech |
TensorFlow Lite | .tflite | DeepSpeech, Coqui STT |
Scorer | .scorer | DeepSpeech, Coqui STT |
You can use deepspeech without training a model yourself. Pre-trained models are provided by Mozilla in the release page of the project (See the assets section of the release note):
You can also use coqui without training a model. Pre-trained models are on offer at the Coqui Model Zoo (Make sure the STT Models tab is selected):
Once you've downloaded a pre-trained model, make a copy of the sample configuration file. Edit the "model" and "scorer" fields in your new file for the engine you want to use so that they match the downloaded files:
cp config.sample.json config.json
$EDITOR config.json
Here's what to change if you want to use the models from deepspeech 0.9.3:
"deepspeech": {
"model" :"/path/to/my/downloaded/models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm",
"scorer" :"/path/to/my/downloaded/models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.scorer"
Lastly, start the server in the usual way:
deepspeech-server --config config.json
The configuration is done with a json file, provided with the "--config" argument. Its structure is the following one:
"coqui": {
"model" :"coqui-1.0.tflite",
"scorer" :"huge-vocabulary.scorer",
"beam_width": 500
"deepspeech": {
"model" :"deepspeech-0.7.1-models.pbmm",
"scorer" :"deepspeech-0.7.1-models.scorer",
"beam_width": 500,
"lm_alpha": 0.931289039105002,
"lm_beta": 1.1834137581510284
"server": {
"http": {
"host": "",
"port": 8080,
"request_max_size": 1048576
"log": {
"level": [
{ "logger": "deepspeech_server", "level": "DEBUG"}
The configuration file contains several sections and sub-sections.
Section "coqui" contains configuration of the coqui-stt engine:
model: The model that was trained by coqui. Must be a tflite (TensorFlow Lite) file.
scorer: [Optional] The scorer file. Use this to tune the STT to understand certain phrases better
beam_width: [Optional] The size of the beam search. Corresponds directly to how long decoding takes
Section "deepspeech" contains configuration of the deepspeech engine:
model: The model that was generated by deepspeech. Can be a protobuf file or a memory mapped protobuf.
scorer: [Optional] The scorer file. The scorer is necessary to set lm_alpha or lm_beta manually
beam_width: [Optional] The size of the beam search
lm_alpha and lm_beta: [Optional] The hyperparmeters of the scorer
Section "server" contains configuration of the access part, with on subsection per protocol:
request_max_size (default value: 1048576, i.e. 1MiB) is the maximum payload size allowed by the server. A received payload size above this threshold will return a "413: Request Entity Too Large" error.
host (default value: "") is the listen address of the http server.
port (default value: 8080) is the listening port of the http server.
The log section can be used to set the log levels of the server. This section contains a list of log entries. Each log entry contains the name of a logger and its level. Both follow the convention of the python logging module.
Inference on the model is done via http post requests. For example with the following curl command:
curl -X POST --data-binary @testfile.wav http://localhost:8080/stt