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Update flop-inclusive thermo bench script
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charleskawczynski committed Aug 9, 2024
1 parent 111dc75 commit c89881f
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 62 deletions.
146 changes: 84 additions & 62 deletions benchmarks/scripts/thermo_bench.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,29 @@ using Revise; include(joinpath("benchmarks", "scripts", "thermo_bench.jl"))
This benchmark requires Thermodynamics and ClimaParams
to be in your local environment to run.
# Benchmark results:
Clima A100:
[ Info: device = ClimaComms.CUDADevice()
Problem size: (63, 4, 4, 1, 5400), float_type = Float32, device_bandwidth_GBs=2039
│ funcs │ time per call │ bw % │ achieved bw │ n-reads/writes │ n-reps │
│ TB.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm) │ 586 microseconds, 517 nanoseconds │ 15.2602 │ 311.155 │ 9 │ 100 │
│ TB.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm) │ 292 microseconds, 178 nanoseconds │ 30.6332 │ 624.611 │ 9 │ 100 │
│ TB.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm) │ 586 microseconds, 988 nanoseconds │ 15.2479 │ 310.905 │ 9 │ 100 │
│ TB.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm) │ 292 microseconds, 178 nanoseconds │ 30.6332 │ 624.611 │ 9 │ 100 │

#! format: off
import ClimaCore
import Thermodynamics as TD
import CUDA
using ClimaComms
import ClimaCore: Spaces, Fields
import ClimaCore.Domains: Geometry
module ThermoBench

using BenchmarkTools
@isdefined(TU) || include(
joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaCore), "test", "TestUtilities", "TestUtilities.jl"),
import .TestUtilities as TU;

module ThermoBench
import ClimaCore
import CUDA
using ClimaComms
Expand All @@ -32,75 +36,65 @@ using JET

import ClimaCore: Spaces, Fields
import ClimaCore.Domains: Geometry
import Dates
print_time_and_units(x) = println(time_and_units_str(x))
time_and_units_str(x::Real) =
trunc_time(string(compound_period(x, Dates.Second)))
function compound_period(x::Real, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Dates.Period}
nf = Dates.value(convert(Dates.Nanosecond, T(1)))
ns = Dates.Nanosecond(ceil(x * nf))
return Dates.canonicalize(Dates.CompoundPeriod(ns))
trunc_time(s::String) = count(',', s) > 1 ? join(split(s, ",")[1:2], ",") : s

@inline ts_gs(thermo_params, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ) =
thermo_state(thermo_params, e_tot - K - Φ, q_tot, ρ)
@inline thermo_state(thermo_params, ρ, e_int, q_tot) =
TD.PhaseEquil_ρeq(thermo_params,ρ,e_int,q_tot, 3, eltype(thermo_params)(0.003))

struct UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij, Nh} end
get_Nv(::UniversalSizesStatic{Nv}) where {Nv} = Nv
get_Nij(::UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij}) where {Nv, Nij} = Nij
get_Nh(::UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij, Nh}) where {Nv, Nij, Nh} = Nh
get_N(us::UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij}) where {Nv, Nij} =
prod((Nv, Nij, Nij, 1, get_Nh(us)))
UniversalSizesStatic(Nv, Nij, Nh) = UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij, Nh}()
import Thermodynamics as TD

function thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us, niter = 1)
e = CUDA.@elapsed begin
for i in 1:niter # reduce variance / impact of launch latency
(; ts, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ) = x
@. ts = ts_gs(thermo_params, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ)
function thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us; nreps = 1, bm=nothing, n_trials = 30)
e = Inf
for t in 1:n_trials
et = CUDA.@elapsed begin
for _ in 1:nreps
(; ts, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ) = x
@. ts = ts_gs(thermo_params, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ) # 5 reads, 5 writes, many flops
e = min(e, et)
print_time_and_units(e / niter)
push_info(bm; e, nreps, caller = @caller_name(@__FILE__),n_reads_writes=5+4) # TODO: verify this
return nothing

function thermo_func_sol!(x, thermo_params, us::UniversalSizesStatic, niter = 1)
e = CUDA.@elapsed begin
for i in 1:niter # reduce variance / impact of launch latency
function thermo_func_sol!(x, thermo_params, us::UniversalSizesStatic; nreps = 1, bm=nothing, n_trials = 30)
e = Inf
for t in 1:n_trials
et = CUDA.@elapsed begin
(; ts, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ) = x
kernel = CUDA.@cuda always_inline = true launch = false thermo_func_sol_kernel!(ts,e_tot,q_tot,K,Φ,ρ,thermo_params,us)
N = get_N(us)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(
threads = min(N, config.threads)
blocks = cld(N, threads)
kernel(ts,e_tot,q_tot,K,Φ,ρ,thermo_params,us; threads, blocks)
for _ in 1:nreps
kernel(ts,e_tot,q_tot,K,Φ,ρ,thermo_params,us; threads, blocks)
e = min(e, et)
print_time_and_units(e / niter)
push_info(bm; e, nreps, caller = @caller_name(@__FILE__),n_reads_writes=5+4) # TODO: verify this
return nothing

# Mimics how indexing works in generalized pointwise kernels
function thermo_func_sol_kernel!(ts, e_tot, q_tot, K, Φ, ρ, thermo_params, us)
@inbounds begin
(; ts_ρ, ts_p, ts_e_int, ts_q_tot, ts_T) = ts
FT = eltype(e_tot)
I = (CUDA.blockIdx().x - Int32(1)) * CUDA.blockDim().x + CUDA.threadIdx().x
if I get_N(us)
ts_i = ts_gs(thermo_params, e_tot[I], q_tot[I], K[I], Φ[I], ρ[I]) # 5 reads, potentially many flops (see thermodynamics for estimate)

# Data is not read into the correct fields because this is only used
# to compare with the case when the number of flops goes to zero.
# ts_i = TD.PhaseEquil{FT}(ρ[I], K[I], e_tot[I], q_tot[I], Φ[I]) # 5 reads, 0 flops
ts_ρ[I] = ts_i.ρ
ts_p[I] = ts_i.p
ts_T[I] = ts_i.T
ts_e_int[I] = ts_i.e_int
ts_q_tot[I] = ts_i.q_tot

# 5 reads, 5 writes, potentially many flops (see thermodynamics for estimate)
ts_i = ts_gs(thermo_params, e_tot[I], q_tot[I], K[I], Φ[I], ρ[I])
ts.ρ[I] = ts_i.ρ
ts.p[I] = ts_i.p
ts.T[I] = ts_i.T
ts.e_int[I] = ts_i.e_int
ts.q_tot[I] = ts_i.q_tot
return nothing
Expand All @@ -109,10 +103,27 @@ end

import ClimaParams # trigger Thermo extension
import .ThermoBench
import .ThermoBench as TB

import Thermodynamics as TD
import CUDA
using ClimaComms
using ClimaCore
import ClimaCore: Spaces, Fields
import ClimaCore.Domains: Geometry

using BenchmarkTools
@isdefined(TU) || include(
joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaCore), "test", "TestUtilities", "TestUtilities.jl"),
import .TestUtilities as TU;

using Test
@testset "Thermo state" begin
FT = Float32
bm = TB.Benchmark(;problem_size=(63,4,4,1,5400), float_type=FT)
device = ClimaComms.device()
context = ClimaComms.context(device)
cspace = TU.CenterExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(
Expand All @@ -125,18 +136,19 @@ using Test
fspace = Spaces.FaceExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(cspace)
@info "device = $device"
thermo_params = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(FT)
# TODO: fill with non-trivial values (e.g., use Thermodynamics TestedProfiles) to verify correctness.
nt_core = (; K = FT(0), Φ = FT(1), ρ = FT(0), e_tot = FT(1), q_tot = FT(0.001))
nt_ts = (;
ts_ρ = FT(0),
ts_p = FT(0),
ts_e_int = FT(0),
ts_q_tot = FT(0),
ts_T = FT(0),
ρ = FT(0),
p = FT(0),
e_int = FT(0),
q_tot = FT(0),
T = FT(0),
x = fill((; ts = zero(TD.PhaseEquil{FT}), nt_core...), cspace)
xv = fill((; ts = nt_ts, nt_core...), cspace)
(_, Nij, _, Nv, Nh) = size(Fields.field_values(x.ts))
us = ThermoBench.UniversalSizesStatic(Nv, Nij, Nh)
us = TB.UniversalSizesStatic(Nv, Nij, Nh)
function to_vec(ξ)
pns = propertynames(ξ)
dl_vals = map(pns) do pn
Expand All @@ -148,10 +160,20 @@ using Test
x_vec = to_vec(xv)

ThermoBench.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us)
ThermoBench.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us)
TB.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us; nreps=1, n_trials = 1)
TB.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us; nreps=1, n_trials = 1)

rc = Fields.rcompare(x_vec, to_vec(x))
rc || Fields.rprint_diff(x_vec, to_vec(x)) # test correctness (should print nothing)
@test rc # test correctness

TB.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm)
TB.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm)

TB.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm)
TB.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us; nreps=100, bm)


ThermoBench.thermo_func_bc!(x, thermo_params, us, 100)
ThermoBench.thermo_func_sol!(x_vec, thermo_params, us, 100)
#! format: on

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