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Merge pull request #2051 from CliMA/ck/refactor
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Define CartesianFieldIndex, use less internals
  • Loading branch information
charleskawczynski authored Oct 20, 2024
2 parents 0635ff3 + 17f5a70 commit 2e0c495
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Showing 8 changed files with 82 additions and 75 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .buildkite/pipeline.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ steps:

- label: "Unit: getindex_field"
key: unit_data_getindex_field
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite test/DataLayouts/unit_getindex_field.jl"
command: "julia --color=yes --check-bounds=yes --project=.buildkite test/DataLayouts/unit_cartesian_field_index.jl"

- label: "Unit: mapreduce"
key: unit_data_mapreduce
Expand Down
62 changes: 21 additions & 41 deletions ext/cuda/topologies_dss.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import ClimaCore: DataLayouts, Topologies, Spaces, Fields
import ClimaCore.DataLayouts: getindex_field, setindex_field!
import ClimaCore.DataLayouts: CartesianFieldIndex
using CUDA
import ClimaCore.Topologies
import ClimaCore.Topologies: perimeter_vertex_node_index
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ function dss_load_perimeter_data_kernel!(
(nperimeter, _, _, nlevels, nelems) = size(perimeter_data)
nfidx = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
sizep = (nlevels, nperimeter, nfidx, nelems) # assume VIFH order
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex

if gidx prod(sizep)
(level, p, fidx, elem) = cart_ind(sizep, gidx).I
(ip, jp) = perimeter[p]
val = getindex_field(data, CI(ip, jp, fidx, level, elem))
setindex_field!(perimeter_data, val, CI(p, 1, fidx, level, elem))
perimeter_data[CI(p, 1, fidx, level, elem)] =
data[CI(ip, jp, fidx, level, elem)]
return nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ function dss_unload_perimeter_data_kernel!(
(nperimeter, _, _, nlevels, nelems) = size(perimeter_data)
nfidx = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
sizep = (nlevels, nperimeter, nfidx, nelems) # assume VIFH order
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex

if gidx prod(sizep)
(level, p, fidx, elem) = cart_ind(sizep, gidx).I
(ip, jp) = perimeter[p]
val = getindex_field(perimeter_data, CI(p, 1, fidx, level, elem))
setindex_field!(data, val, CI(ip, jp, fidx, level, elem))
data[CI(ip, jp, fidx, level, elem)] =
perimeter_data[CI(p, 1, fidx, level, elem)]
return nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function dss_local_kernel!(
nlocalfaces = length(interior_faces)
(nperimeter, _, _, nlevels, _) = size(perimeter_data)
nfidx = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
if gidx nlevels * nfidx * nlocalvertices # local vertices
sizev = (nlevels, nfidx, nlocalvertices)
(level, fidx, vertexid) = cart_ind(sizev, gidx).I
Expand All @@ -149,17 +149,12 @@ function dss_local_kernel!(
for idx in st:(en - 1)
(lidx, vert) = local_vertices[idx]
ip = perimeter_vertex_node_index(vert)
sum_data +=
getindex_field(perimeter_data, CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx))
sum_data += perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx)]
for idx in st:(en - 1)
(lidx, vert) = local_vertices[idx]
ip = perimeter_vertex_node_index(vert)
CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx),
perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx)] = sum_data
elseif gidx nlevels * nfidx * (nlocalvertices + nlocalfaces) # interior faces
nfacedof = div(nperimeter - 4, 4)
Expand All @@ -176,11 +171,9 @@ function dss_local_kernel!(
ip2 = inc2 == 1 ? first2 + i - 1 : first2 - i + 1
idx1 = CI(ip1, 1, fidx, level, lidx1)
idx2 = CI(ip2, 1, fidx, level, lidx2)
val =
getindex_field(perimeter_data, idx1) +
getindex_field(perimeter_data, idx2)
setindex_field!(perimeter_data, val, idx1)
setindex_field!(perimeter_data, val, idx2)
val = perimeter_data[idx1] + perimeter_data[idx2]
perimeter_data[idx1] = val
perimeter_data[idx2] = val

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +346,7 @@ function dss_local_ghost_kernel!(
FT = eltype(parent(perimeter_data))
(nperimeter, _, _, nlevels, _) = size(perimeter_data)
nfidx = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
nghostvertices = length(ghost_vertex_offset) - 1
if gidx nlevels * nfidx * nghostvertices
sizev = (nlevels, nfidx, nghostvertices)
Expand All @@ -365,19 +358,14 @@ function dss_local_ghost_kernel!(
isghost, lidx, vert = ghost_vertices[idx]
if !isghost
ip = perimeter_vertex_node_index(vert)
sum_data +=
getindex_field(perimeter_data, CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx))
sum_data += perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx)]
for idx in st:(en - 1)
isghost, lidx, vert = ghost_vertices[idx]
if !isghost
ip = perimeter_vertex_node_index(vert)
CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx),
perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx)] = sum_data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,14 +409,13 @@ function fill_send_buffer_kernel!(
(_, _, _, nlevels, nelems) = size(perimeter_data)
nfid = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
sizet = (nlevels, nfid, nsend)
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
if gidx nlevels * nfid * nsend
(level, fidx, isend) = cart_ind(sizet, gidx).I
lidx = send_buf_idx[isend, 1]
ip = send_buf_idx[isend, 2]
idx = level + ((fidx - 1) + (isend - 1) * nfid) * nlevels
send_data[idx] =
getindex_field(perimeter_data, CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx))
send_data[idx] = perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, lidx)]
return nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,27 +514,20 @@ function dss_ghost_kernel!(
(_, _, _, nlevels, _) = size(perimeter_data)
nfidx = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
nghostvertices = length(ghost_vertex_offset) - 1
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
if gidx nlevels * nfidx * nghostvertices
(level, fidx, ghostvertexidx) =
cart_ind((nlevels, nfidx, nghostvertices), gidx).I
idxresult, lvertresult = repr_ghost_vertex[ghostvertexidx]
ipresult = perimeter_vertex_node_index(lvertresult)
result = getindex_field(
CI(ipresult, 1, fidx, level, idxresult),
result = perimeter_data[CI(ipresult, 1, fidx, level, idxresult)]
st, en = ghost_vertex_offset[ghostvertexidx],
ghost_vertex_offset[ghostvertexidx + 1]
for vertexidx in st:(en - 1)
isghost, eidx, lvert = ghost_vertices[vertexidx]
if !isghost
ip = perimeter_vertex_node_index(lvert)
CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, eidx),
perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, fidx, level, eidx)] = result
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25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions lib/ClimaCoreTempestRemap/src/onlineremap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using ClimaCore.DataLayouts
using ClimaCore.DataLayouts: CartesianFieldIndex
using ClimaComms

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,11 +43,9 @@ function remap!(
source::IJFH{S, Nqs},
) where {S, Nqt, Nqs}
source_array = parent(source)
target_array = parent(target)

fill!(target_array, zero(eltype(target_array)))
Nf = size(target_array, 3)
fill!(target, zero(eltype(target)))
Nf = DataLayouts.ncomponents(target)
CI = CartesianFieldIndex

# ideally we would use the tempestremap dgll (redundant node) representation
# unfortunately, this doesn't appear to work quite as well (for out_type = dgll) as the cgll
Expand All @@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ function remap!(
view(R.target_local_idxs[3], n)[1],
for f in 1:Nf
target_array[it, jt, f, et] += wt * source_array[is, js, f, es]
target[CI(it, jt, f, 1, et)] += wt * source[CI(is, js, f, 1, es)]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,11 +90,12 @@ function remap!(target::Fields.Field, R::LinearMap, source::Fields.Field)
@assert Spaces.topology(axes(source)).context isa

target_array = parent(target)
source_array = parent(source)
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
target_values = Fields.field_values(target)
source_values = Fields.field_values(source)

fill!(target_array, zero(eltype(target_array)))
Nf = size(target_array, 3)
fill!(target, zero(eltype(target)))
Nf = DataLayouts.ncomponents(target)

# ideally we would use the tempestremap dgll (redundant node) representation
# unfortunately, this doesn't appear to work quite as well (for out_type = dgll) as the cgll
Expand All @@ -118,8 +118,9 @@ function remap!(target::Fields.Field, R::LinearMap, source::Fields.Field)
# only use local weights - i.e. et, es != 0
if (et != 0)
for f in 1:Nf
target_array[it, jt, f, et] +=
wt * source_array[is, js, f, es]
ci_src = CI(is, js, f, 1, es)
ci_tar = CI(it, jt, f, 1, et)
target_values[ci_tar] += wt * source_values[ci_src]
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/DataLayouts/DataLayouts.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1491,6 +1491,29 @@ end

CartesianFieldIndex{N} <: Base.AbstractCartesianIndex{N}
A CartesianIndex wrapper to dispatch `getindex` / `setindex!`
to call [`getindex_field`](@ref) and [`setindex_field!`](@ref)
for specific field variables in a datalayout.
struct CartesianFieldIndex{N} <: Base.AbstractCartesianIndex{N}
CartesianFieldIndex(I...) = CartesianFieldIndex(CartesianIndex(I...))

Base.ndims(::CartesianFieldIndex{N}) where {N} = N
Base.@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(
) = getindex_field(data, CI.CI)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(
) = setindex_field!(data, val, CI.CI)

getindex_field(data, ci::CartesianIndex{5})
Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/Topologies/dss.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using DocStringExtensions
using .DataLayouts: getindex_field, setindex_field!
using .DataLayouts: CartesianFieldIndex

DSSBuffer{G, D, A, B}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,13 +582,12 @@ function fill_send_buffer!(
Nf = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
nsend = size(send_buf_idx, 1)
ctr = 1
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
@inbounds for i in 1:nsend
lidx = send_buf_idx[i, 1]
ip = send_buf_idx[i, 2]
for f in 1:Nf, v in 1:Nv
send_data[ctr] =
getindex_field(perimeter_data, CI(ip, 1, f, v, lidx))
send_data[ctr] = perimeter_data[CI(ip, 1, f, v, lidx)]
ctr += 1
Expand All @@ -612,14 +611,13 @@ function load_from_recv_buffer!(
Nf = DataLayouts.ncomponents(perimeter_data)
nrecv = size(recv_buf_idx, 1)
ctr = 1
CI = CartesianIndex
CI = CartesianFieldIndex
@inbounds for i in 1:nrecv
lidx = recv_buf_idx[i, 1]
ip = recv_buf_idx[i, 2]
for f in 1:Nf, v in 1:Nv
ci = CI(ip, 1, f, v, lidx)
val = getindex_field(perimeter_data, ci) + recv_data[ctr]
setindex_field!(perimeter_data, val, ci)
perimeter_data[ci] += recv_data[ctr]
ctr += 1
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
julia --project
using Revise; include(joinpath("test", "DataLayouts", "unit_getindex_field.jl"))
using Revise; include(joinpath("test", "DataLayouts", "unit_cartesian_field_index.jl"))
using Test
using ClimaCore.DataLayouts
using ClimaCore.DataLayouts: getindex_field, setindex_field!
using ClimaCore.DataLayouts: CartesianFieldIndex
using ClimaCore.DataLayouts: to_data_specific_field, singleton
import ClimaCore.Geometry
import ClimaComms
Expand All @@ -31,15 +31,18 @@ function test_copyto_float!(data)
ArrayType = ClimaComms.array_type(ClimaComms.device())
FT = eltype(parent(data))
parent(rand_data) .= ArrayType(rand(FT, DataLayouts.farray_size(data)))
# For a float, getindex and getindex_field return the same thing
# For a float, CartesianIndex and CartesianFieldIndex return the same thing
for I in CartesianIndices(universal_axes(data))
@test getindex_field(data, I) == getindex(data, I)
CI = CartesianFieldIndex(I.I)
@test data[CI] == data[I]
for I in CartesianIndices(universal_axes(data))
setindex_field!(data, FT(prod(I.I)), I)
CI = CartesianFieldIndex(I.I)
data[CI] = FT(prod(I.I))
for I in CartesianIndices(universal_axes(data))
@test getindex_field(data, I) == prod(I.I)
CI = CartesianFieldIndex(I.I)
@test data[CI] == prod(I.I)

Expand All @@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ function test_copyto!(data)
for f in 1:DataLayouts.ncomponents(data)
UFI = universal_field_index(I, f)
DSI = CartesianIndex(to_data_specific_field(singleton(data), UFI.I))
@test getindex_field(data, UFI) == parent(data)[DSI]
@test data[CartesianFieldIndex(UFI)] == parent(data)[DSI]

Expand All @@ -64,13 +67,13 @@ function test_copyto!(data)
UFI = universal_field_index(I, f)
DSI = CartesianIndex(to_data_specific_field(singleton(data), UFI.I))
val = parent(data)[DSI]
setindex_field!(data, val + 1, UFI)
data[CartesianFieldIndex(UFI)] = val + 1
@test parent(data)[DSI] == val + 1

@testset "copyto! with Nf = 1" begin
@testset "CartesianFieldIndex with Nf = 1" begin
device = ClimaComms.device()
ArrayType = ClimaComms.array_type(device)
FT = Float64
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ end
# data = DataLayouts.IH1JH2{S}(ArrayType{FT}, zeros; Nij); test_copyto_float!(data) # TODO: test

@testset "copyto! with Nf > 1" begin
@testset "CartesianFieldIndex with Nf > 1" begin
device = ClimaComms.device()
ArrayType = ClimaComms.array_type(device)
FT = Float64
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ end
# data = DataLayouts.IH1JH2{S}(ArrayType{FT}, zeros; Nij); test_copyto!(data) # TODO: test

@testset "copyto! views with Nf > 1" begin
@testset "CartesianFieldIndex views with Nf > 1" begin
device = ClimaComms.device()
ArrayType = ClimaComms.array_type(device)
data_view(data) = DataLayouts.rebuild(
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions test/Fields/unit_field.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,9 +57,11 @@ end
n1 = n2 = 1
Nh = n1 * n2
space = spectral_space_2D(n1 = n1, n2 = n2, Nij = Nij)
device = ClimaComms.device(space)
ArrayType = ClimaComms.array_type(device)

field =
Fields.Field(IJFH{ComplexF64, Nij}(ones(Nij, Nij, 2, n1 * n2)), space)
data = IJFH{ComplexF64}(ArrayType{Float64}, ones; Nij, Nh = n1 * n2)
field = Fields.Field(data, space)

@test sum(field) Complex(1.0, 1.0) * 8.0 * 10.0 rtol = 10eps()
@test sum(x -> 3.0, field) 3 * 8.0 * 10.0 rtol = 10eps()
Expand Down

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