Batch Crafting Causes Crash Upon Using All Available Ingredients in Batch #37239
Crafting / Construction / Recipes
Includes: Uncrafting / Disassembling
<Crash / Freeze>
Fatal bug that results in hangs or crashes.
(S2 - Confirmed)
Bug that's been confirmed to exist
Save file, config file, and debug log all zipped into file provided.
Describe the bug
Attempts to make troglobite serum result in an error wherein the recipe ingredients are consumed to create an object which can be activated but upon doing so say that the required components to continue crafting are unavailable.
Steps To Reproduce
Unsure of how to do so in other save games, however, in uploaded save:
Expected behavior
Logically, the batch, upon being created, should allow crafting, at least until one or more ingredients have been wasted during the crafting process and further ingredients are required to replace the wasted ones.
Alternatively, it would make sense to warn the player about the fact that failed batches will be halted until more ingredients are gotten, and/or break down any in-progress items and eject all results from the current crafting state should batch-crafting run out.
Error message thrown after crafting, pausing, then batch-crafting.
Issue caused when only batch crafting and using all ingredients.
Versions and configuration
OS: Windows
Game Version: 0.D-11480-gdcdef1e [64-bit]
Graphics Version: Tiles
Mods loaded: [
Dark Days Ahead [dda],
Disable NPC Needs [no_npc_food],
Folding Parts pack [deoxymod],
Vehicle Additions Pack [blazemod],
Tanks and Other Vehicles [Tanks],
Mythical Martial Arts [MMA],
Hydroponics [hydroponics],
EZ-Mode Medical [fast_healing],
Modular Turrets [modular_turrets],
Salvaged Robots [Salvaged_Robots],
Mythological Replicas [nw_pack],
More Survival Tools [More_Survival_Tools],
Medieval and Historic Classes and Shields [Medieval_Stuff],
Makeshift Items Mod [makeshift],
Icecoon's Arsenal [ew_pack],
Garden Pots [growable-pots],
DeadLeaves' Fictional Guns [FIC_Weapons],
Craftable Gun Pack [craftgp],
C.R.I.T Expansion Mod [crt_expansion],
Aftershock [aftershock],
Graphical Overmap [Graphical_Overmap],
Stats Through Skills [StatsThroughSkills],
Stats Through Kills [stats_through_kills],
Safe Autodoc [safeautodoc],
Manual Bionic Installation [manualbionicinstall]
OS: [e.g. iOS 8 or Windows 10 or Ubuntu 18.04]
Game Version: [from the main menu, e.g. 0.C-29938-g90f5268437]
Graphics version: [Tiles or Terminal]
Mods loaded: [e.g.dda, boats, hacktheplanet, StatsThroughSkills]
Additional context
Blacklist removed from Modular Turrets [modular_turrets], and Salvaged Robots [Salvaged_Robots] due to balance issues with control laptop in current experimental. (I realize that control laptop is unbalanced, but not being able to make one is also horrendously debilitating when EMP bombs are nigh-impossible to make as well.)
Add any other context about the problem here.
Done using the chemistry set within the APC.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: