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spell effects
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KorGgenT committed May 21, 2019
1 parent 7eb2bf8 commit 9a4632b
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Showing 2 changed files with 328 additions and 1 deletion.
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions src/magic.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -801,3 +801,330 @@ int known_magic::time_to_learn_spell( const player &p, spell_id sp ) const
return base_time * ( 1.0 + sp.obj().difficulty / ( 1.0 + ( p.get_int() - 8.0 ) / 8.0 ) +
( p.get_skill_level( skill_id( "SPELLCRAFT" ) ) / 10.0 ) );

// spell_effect

namespace spell_effect

static tripoint random_point( int min_distance, int max_distance, const tripoint &player_pos )
const int angle = rng( 0, 360 );
const int dist = rng( min_distance, max_distance );
const int x = round( dist * cos( angle ) );
const int y = round( dist * sin( angle ) );
return tripoint( x + player_pos.x, y + player_pos.y, player_pos.z );

void teleport( int min_distance, int max_distance )
if( min_distance > max_distance || min_distance < 0 || max_distance < 0 ) {
debugmsg( "ERROR: Teleport argument(s) invalid" );
const tripoint player_pos = g->u.pos();
tripoint target;
// limit the loop just in case it's impossble to find a valid point in the range
int tries = 0;
do {
target = random_point( min_distance, max_distance, player_pos );
} while( g->m.impassable( target ) && tries < 20 );
if( tries == 20 ) {
add_msg( m_bad, _( "Unable to find a valid target for teleport." ) );
g->place_player( target );

void pain_split()
player &p = g->u;
add_msg( m_info, _( "Your injuries even out." ) );
int num_limbs = 0; // number of limbs effected (broken don't count)
int total_hp = 0; // total hp among limbs

for( const int &part : p.hp_cur ) {
if( part != 0 ) {
total_hp += part;
for( int &part : p.hp_cur ) {
const int hp_each = total_hp / num_limbs;
if( part != 0 ) {
part = hp_each;

void move_earth( const tripoint &target )
ter_id ter_here = g->m.ter( target );

std::set<ter_id> empty_air = { t_hole };
std::set<ter_id> deep_pit = { t_pit, t_slope_down };
std::set<ter_id> shallow_pit = { t_pit_corpsed, t_pit_covered, t_pit_glass, t_pit_glass_covered, t_pit_shallow, t_pit_spiked, t_pit_spiked, t_pit_spiked_covered, t_rootcellar };
std::set<ter_id> soft_dirt = { t_grave, t_dirt, t_sand, t_clay, t_dirtmound, t_grass, t_grass_long, t_grass_tall, t_grass_golf, t_grass_dead, t_grass_white, t_dirtfloor, t_fungus_floor_in, t_fungus_floor_sup, t_fungus_floor_out, t_sandbox };
// rock: can still be dug through with patience, converts to sand upon completion
std::set<ter_id> hard_dirt = { t_pavement, t_pavement_y, t_sidewalk, t_concrete, t_thconc_floor, t_thconc_floor_olight, t_strconc_floor, t_floor, t_floor_waxed, t_carpet_red, t_carpet_yellow, t_carpet_purple, t_carpet_green, t_linoleum_white, t_linoleum_gray, t_slope_up, t_rock_red, t_rock_green, t_rock_blue, t_floor_red, t_floor_green, t_floor_blue, t_pavement_bg_dp, t_pavement_y_bg_dp, t_sidewalk_bg_dp };

if( empty_air.count( ter_here ) == 1 ) {
add_msg( m_bad, _( "All the dust in the air here falls to the ground." ) );
} else if( deep_pit.count( ter_here ) == 1 ) {
g->m.ter_set( target, t_hole );
add_msg( _( "The pit has deepened further." ) );
} else if( shallow_pit.count( ter_here ) == 1 ) {
g->m.ter_set( target, t_pit );
add_msg( _( "More debris shifts out of the pit." ) );
} else if( soft_dirt.count( ter_here ) == 1 ) {
g->m.ter_set( target, t_pit_shallow );
add_msg( _( "The earth moves out of the way for you" ) );
} else if( hard_dirt.count( ter_here ) == 1 ) {
g->m.ter_set( target, t_sand );
add_msg( _( "The rocks here are ground into sand." ) );
} else {
add_msg( m_bad, _( "The earth here does not listen to your command to move." ) );

static bool in_spell_aoe( const tripoint &target, const tripoint &epicenter, const int &radius,
const bool ignore_walls )
if( ignore_walls ) {
return rl_dist( epicenter, target ) <= radius;
std::vector<tripoint> trajectory = line_to( epicenter, target );
for( const tripoint &pt : trajectory ) {
if( g->m.impassable( pt ) ) {
return false;
return rl_dist( epicenter, target ) <= radius;

static std::set<tripoint> spell_effect_blast( spell &, const tripoint &, const tripoint &target,
const int aoe_radius, const bool ignore_walls )
std::set<tripoint> targets;
// TODO: Make this breadth-first
for( int x = target.x - aoe_radius; x < target.x + aoe_radius; x++ ) {
for( int y = target.y - aoe_radius; y < target.y + aoe_radius; y++ ) {
for( int z = target.z - aoe_radius; z < target.z + aoe_radius; z++ ) {
const tripoint potential_target( x, y, z );
if( in_spell_aoe( potential_target, target, aoe_radius, ignore_walls ) ) {
targets.emplace( potential_target );
return targets;

static std::set<tripoint> spell_effect_cone( spell &sp, const tripoint &source,
const tripoint &target,
const int aoe_radius, const bool ignore_walls )
std::set<tripoint> targets;
// cones go all the way to end (if they don't hit an obstacle)
const int range = sp.range();
const int initial_angle = coord_to_angle( source, target );
std::set<tripoint> end_points;
for( int angle = initial_angle - floor( aoe_radius / 2.0 );
angle <= initial_angle + ceil( aoe_radius / 2.0 ); angle++ ) {
tripoint potential;
calc_ray_end( angle, range, source, potential );
end_points.emplace( potential );
for( const tripoint &ep : end_points ) {
std::vector<tripoint> trajectory = line_to( ep, source );
for( const tripoint &tp : trajectory ) {
if( ignore_walls || g->m.passable( tp ) ) {
targets.emplace( tp );
} else {
// we don't want to hit ourselves in the blast!
targets.erase( source );
return targets;

static std::set<tripoint> spell_effect_line( spell &, const tripoint &source,
const tripoint &target,
const int aoe_radius, const bool ignore_walls )
std::set<tripoint> targets;
const int initial_angle = coord_to_angle( source, target );
tripoint clockwise_starting_point;
calc_ray_end( initial_angle - 90, floor( aoe_radius / 2.0 ), source, clockwise_starting_point );
tripoint cclockwise_starting_point;
calc_ray_end( initial_angle + 90, ceil( aoe_radius / 2.0 ), source, cclockwise_starting_point );
tripoint clockwise_end_point;
calc_ray_end( initial_angle - 90, floor( aoe_radius / 2.0 ), target, clockwise_end_point );
tripoint cclockwise_end_point;
calc_ray_end( initial_angle + 90, ceil( aoe_radius / 2.0 ), target, cclockwise_end_point );

std::vector<tripoint> start_width_lh = line_to( source, cclockwise_starting_point );
std::vector<tripoint> start_width_rh = line_to( source, clockwise_starting_point );

int start_width_lh_blocked = start_width_lh.size();
int start_width_rh_blocked = start_width_rh.size() + 1;
for( const tripoint &p : start_width_lh ) {
if( ignore_walls || g->m.passable( p ) ) {
} else {
for( const tripoint &p : start_width_rh ) {
if( ignore_walls || g->m.passable( p ) ) {
} else {

std::reverse( start_width_rh.begin(), start_width_rh.end() );
std::vector<tripoint> start_width;
start_width.reserve( start_width_lh.size() + start_width_rh.size() + 2 );
start_width.insert( start_width.end(), start_width_rh.begin(), start_width_rh.end() );
start_width.emplace_back( source );
start_width.insert( start_width.end(), start_width_lh.begin(), start_width_lh.end() );
std::vector<tripoint> end_width = line_to( cclockwise_end_point, clockwise_end_point );
// line_to omits the starting point. we want it back.
end_width.insert( end_width.begin(), cclockwise_end_point );

// we're going from right to left (clockwise to counterclockwise)
for( int i = start_width_rh_blocked;
i <= static_cast<int>( start_width.size() ) - start_width_lh_blocked; i++ ) {
for( tripoint &ep : end_width ) {
for( tripoint &p : line_to( start_width[i], ep ) ) {
if( ignore_walls || g->m.passable( p ) ) {
targets.emplace( p );
} else {

targets.erase( source );

return targets;

// spells do not reduce in damage the further away from the epicenter the targets are
// rather they do their full damage in the entire area of effect
static std::set<tripoint> spell_effect_area( spell &sp, const tripoint &source,
const tripoint &target,
std::function<std::set<tripoint>( spell &, const tripoint &, const tripoint &, const int, const bool )>
aoe_func, bool ignore_walls = false )
std::set<tripoint> targets = { target }; // initialize with epicenter
if( sp.aoe() <= 1 ) {
return targets;

const int aoe_radius = sp.aoe();
targets = aoe_func( sp, source, target, aoe_radius, ignore_walls );

for( const tripoint &p : targets ) {
if( !sp.is_valid_target( p ) ) {
targets.erase( p );

// Draw the explosion
std::map<tripoint, nc_color> explosion_colors;
for( auto &pt : targets ) {
explosion_colors[pt] = sp.damage_type_color();

explosion_handler::draw_custom_explosion( g->u.pos(), explosion_colors );
return targets;

static void damage_targets( spell &sp, std::set<tripoint> targets )
for( const tripoint target : targets ) {
Creature *const cr = g->critter_at<Creature>( target );
if( !cr ) {

projectile bolt;
bolt.impact = sp.get_damage_instance();
bolt.proj_effects.emplace( "magic" );

dealt_projectile_attack atk;
atk.end_point = target;
atk.hit_critter = cr;
atk.proj = bolt;
if( sp.damage() > 0 ) {
cr->deal_projectile_attack( &g->u, atk, true );
} else {
sp.heal( target );
add_msg( m_good, _( "%s wounds are closing up!" ), cr->disp_name( true ) );
if( !sp.effect_data().empty() ) {
const int dur_moves = sp.duration();
const time_duration dur_td = 1_turns * dur_moves / 100;
const std::vector<body_part> all_bp = { bp_head, bp_torso, bp_arm_l, bp_arm_r, bp_leg_l, bp_leg_r, };
for( const body_part bp : all_bp ) {
cr->add_effect( efftype_id( sp.effect_data() ), dur_td, bp );

void projectile_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &target )
std::vector<tripoint> trajectory = line_to( source, target );
for( const tripoint &pt : trajectory ) {
if( g->m.impassable( pt ) || pt == trajectory.back() ) {
target_attack( sp, source, target );

void target_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &epicenter )
damage_targets( sp, spell_effect_area( sp, source, epicenter, spell_effect_blast ) );

void cone_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &target )
damage_targets( sp, spell_effect_area( sp, source, target, spell_effect_cone ) );

void line_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &target )
damage_targets( sp, spell_effect_area( sp, source, target, spell_effect_line ) );

void spawn_ethereal_item( spell &sp )
item granted( sp.effect_data(), calendar::turn );
if( !granted.is_comestible() ) {
granted.set_rot( -sp.duration_turns() );
granted.set_flag( "ETHEREAL_ITEM" );
if( granted.count_by_charges() && sp.damage() > 0 ) {
granted.charges = sp.damage();
if( g->u.can_wear( granted ).success() ) {
granted.set_flag( "FIT" );
g->u.wear_item( granted, false );
} else {
g->u.weapon = granted;
if( !granted.count_by_charges() ) {
for( int i = 1; i < sp.damage(); i++ ) {
g->u.i_add( granted );

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/magic.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ namespace spell_effect
void teleport( int min_distance, int max_distance );
void pain_split(); // only does g->u
void shallow_pit( const tripoint &target );
void move_earth( const tripoint &target );
void target_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &target );
void projectile_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &target );
void cone_attack( spell &sp, const tripoint &source, const tripoint &target );
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