Hi! I’m a french fullstrack developer living in Geneva. I like to develop things on my free time.
More informations on my website: cjosse.com
My portfolio site, showcasing my recent experiences, latest projects, certifications and tools I'm familiar with. I design it using Figma and did the implementation using ReactJS.
Team project for a real estate website. Datascraping using the Scrapy library in Python, creation the database with MySQL and the associated API using Java and Spring. I also containerized the backend.
Vélib' bike availability dashboard. Automated requests to the Vélib' API and display of real-time data in a web interface using Python. Conteuneurization of the project with Docker. Added a timelapse gif of the interface over one day.
Mobile game reproducing the Santorini board game. i design the board and the pieces with CorelVector. Development of a real-time online multiplayer game using React native, Expo and Firebase.
Android mobile game combining chess and chifumi. Creation of the game and its rules. I implemented the game logic in Java and designed the board and the pieces using CorelVector. I put everything together and turned it into an Android mobile game using AndroidStudio.