This is a WIP project, developed in a couple of hours in the second day of the World Cup 2018, so this is not a best example of PHP Code or best practises, my goal its to have something functional and i did jut for fun :)
I used the Laravel Zero project to write some commands to fetch World Cup matches data and announces some events to notifications channels (Slack).
- create mysql database
- cp .env.example .env
- set environment variables
- composer install
- php wc2018-notifications migrate:fresh
- php wc2018-notifications fetch:matches
- schedule wc2018-notifications in your crontab file
- Match start / end
- Score change
- Match events (penalty, card, goal, ...)
- Today's matches with statistics
- more notification channels
- code refactor / organization
- PHP 7.1.3+
- Composer
- Mysql 5.7 or compatible
Laravel Zero was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro
World Cup API is provided by WORLD CUP 2018 ...IN JSON
This project is based on a scraper, and scraping is inherently a messy and brittle procedural process.
This project is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.