This repository contains tuned packer images that create AWS AMI's for the MongoDB Ops Manager, AppDB, and the MongoDB Agent.
Images use RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.
To build the images, you will need to have the AWS CLI installed, be able to connect to AWS from the terminal running the packer scripts, and have HashiCorp Packer installed.
cd app-db
packer build -timestamp-ui .
cd ops-manager
packer build -timestamp-ui .
cd mongodb-agent
packer build -timestamp-ui .
Each of the images contains a variables.pkr.hcl
file which allows users to customize the scripts to meet the requirements of their environment.
The following table contains a description of the variables in the AppDB's variables.pkr.hcl file.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
mongodb_major_version | The major version of MongoDB Database to install. See MongoDB Releases for all current releases and Archived Releases for all archived rleases. | 6.0 |
mongodb_patch_version | The patch release of MongoDB to install | 8 |
db_tools_version | The version of MongoDB tools to install | 100.7.5 |
source_ami_name | Glob that will be used to search for the source AMI Name. The most recent match will be used | RHEL-8*_HVM--x86_64--Hourly2-GP2 |
source_ami_owner | AWS account ID that owns the source AMI. The default is the account ID for certified RedHat images. | 309956199498 |
instance_type | The AWS instance type to use to build the AppDB Instances. | m5.large |
region | The AWS region to use for the AppDB Instances. | us-east-1 |
The following table contains a description of the variables in the AppDB's variables.pkr.hcl file.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
ops_manager_version | The version of MongoDB Ops Manager to install. See Ops Manager Versions for all available versions. | 7.0.8 |
source_ami_name | Glob that will be used to search for the source AMI Name. The most recent match will be used | RHEL-8*_HVM--x86_64--Hourly2-GP2 |
source_ami_owner | AWS account ID that owns the source AMI. The default is the account ID for certified RedHat images. | 309956199498 |
instance_type | The AWS instance type to use to build the AppDB Instances. | m5.large |
region | The AWS region to use for the AppDB Instances. | us-east-1 |
The following table contains a description of the variables in the AppDB's variables.pkr.hcl file.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
mongodb_major_version | The major version of MongoDB Database to install. See MongoDB Releases for all current releases and Archived Releases for all archived rleases. | 6.0 |
mongodb_patch_version | The patch release of MongoDB to install | 8 |
db_tools_version | The version of MongoDB tools to install | 100.7.5 |
source_ami_name | Glob that will be used to search for the source AMI Name. The most recent match will be used | RHEL-8*_HVM--x86_64--Hourly2-GP2 |
source_ami_owner | AWS account ID that owns the source AMI. The default is the account ID for certified RedHat images. | 309956199498 |
instance_type | The AWS instance type to use to build the AppDB Instances. | m5.large |
region | The AWS region to use for the AppDB Instances. | us-east-1 |