NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN REPLACED BY puppet_openstack_builder
See for the upstream
See for Cisco's dev version for COI
Project for building out OpenStack COE.
This project historically supported spinning up VMs to test OpenStack with Vagrant.
This approach is recommended for development environment or for users who want to get up and going in the simplest way possible.
This setup requires that a few additional dependencies are installed:
- virtualbox
- vagrant
Developers should be started by installing the following simple utility:
gem install librarian-puppet-simple
or, if you want to build from scratch, or keep these gems separate:
mkdir vendor
export GEM_HOME=`pwd`/vendor
gem install thor --no-ri --no-rdoc
git clone git:// vendor/librarian-puppet-simple
export PATH=`pwd`/vendor/librarian-puppet-simple/bin/:$PATH
Once this library is installed, you can run the following command from this project's root directory. This will use the Puppetfile to clone the openstack modules and the COE manifests, into the modules directory, and can be easily configured to pull from your own repo instead of the Cisco or Stackforge repos. The default is to use the stackforge modules
To use the CiscoSystems releases of the puppet modules:
export repos_to_use=downstream
To download modules
librarian-puppet install --verbose
There is a config.yaml file that can be edited to suit the environment. The apt-cache server can be any server running apt-cacher-ng - it doesn't have to be the cache instance mentioned below if you already have one handy. It can be set to false to disable use of apt-cacher altogether. The apt-mirror will be used to set sources.list on each machine, and on the build server it will be used to import the 30MB ubuntu netboot image used during the PXE deploy process. Make sure the domain matches the domain specified in the site.pp in the manifests you intend to use.
Now that you have set up the puppet content, the next step is to build out your multi-node environment using vagrant.
First, deploy the apt-ng-cacher instance:
vagrant up cache
Next, bring up the build server:
vagrant up build
Now, bring up the blank boxes so that they can PXE boot against the master
vagrant up control_basevm
vagrant up compute_basevm
Now, you have created a fully functional openstack environment, now have a look at some services:
- service dashboard:
- horizon: (username: admin, password: Cisco123)
Log into your controller:
vagrant ssh control_basevm
and run through the 'Deploy Your First VM' section of this document:
The python scripts under stack-builder can be used to instantiate scenarios on an openstack cluster. To do this, clone this repository, add stackbuilder/bin to your PATH, and add stackbuilder to your PYTHONPATH. It is not necessary to install the modules or librarian to your local machine when running in this manner, but the openstack clients and the python yaml library are needed.
curl -O
tar xvfz virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.10.1
python test
cd test
source bin/activate
pip install python-novaclient==2.14.1
pip install python-quantumclient==2.2.3
pip install python-keystoneclient==0.3.2
pip install PyYaml
git clone ""
cd openstack-installer
export PATH=`pwd`/stack-builder/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/stack-builder:$PYTHONPATH
The scripts are currently limited by a quantum bug that means admin credentials are required to launch. Using standard user credentials will result in networks that have no dhcp agent scheduled to them.
source openrc
To create a basic 2 role cluster with a build, compute and control node outside of the jenkins environment, some configuration must be set either in data/heira_data/user.yaml or by setting environment variables prefixed with "jenkins_"
export osi_user_internal_ip='%{ipaddress_eth1}'
export osi_user_tunnel_ip='%{ipaddress_eth1}'
export osi_conf_installer_repo=CiscoSystems
export osi_conf_installer_branch=master
export osi_conf_operatingsystem=Ubuntu
sb make
More information about this tool can be found under the stack-builder directory.
These instructions assume you will be building against a machine that has two interfaces:
'eth0' for management, and API access, and also to be used for GRE/VXlan tunnel via OVS 'eth1' for 'external' network access (in single provider router mode). This interface is expected to provide an external router, and IP address range, and will leverage the l3_agent functionality to provide outbound overloaded NAT to the VMs and 1:1 NAT with Floating IPs. The current default setup also assumes a very small "generic" Cinder setup, unless you create an LVM volume group called cinder-volume with free space for persistent block volumes to be deployed against.
Log in to your all_in_one node, and bootstrap it into production:
bash <(curl -fsS
You can over-ride the default parameters, such as ethernet interface names, or hostname, and default ip address if you choose:
scenario : change this to a scenario defined in data/scenarios, defaults to all_in_one
build_server : Hostname for your build-server, defaults to `hostname`
domain_name : Domain name for your system, defaults to `hostname -d`
default_interface : This is the interface name for your management and API interfaces (and tunnel endpoints), defautls to eth0
external_interface : This is the interface name for your "l3_agent provider router external network", defaults to eth1
build_server_ip : This is the IP that any additional devices can reach your build server on, defaults to the default_interface IP address
ntp_server : This is needed to keep puppet in sync across multiple nodes, defaults to
puppet_run_mode : Defaults to apply, and for AIO there is not a puppetmaster yet.
To change these parameters, do something like:
scenario=2_role bash <(
Adding additional nodes is fairly straight forward (for all_in_one scenarion compute nodes can be added, others require a bit of additional effort by expanding the all_in_one scenario)
- on the All-in-one node, add a role mapping for the new node:
echo "compute_node_name: compute" >> /etc/puppet/data/role_mappings.yaml
Build the phyiscal or virtual compute node
Configure the system to point ot the all_in_one node for puppet deployment and set up the right version of puppet on the node:
export build_server_ip=X.X.X.X ; export master=false ; bash <(curl -fsS
After which you may still have to run puppet in "agent" mode to actually deploy the openstack elements:
puppet agent -td --server build-server.`hostname -d` --certname `hostname -f`
At the scenario leve, choices are in:
And you can extend the all_in_one scenario, or leverage a different variant all together.
Defaults for end user data should be located in one of the following files:
###Additional information on the data model being leveraged is available in the data directory of this repository.