A hubot script returning you the traffic time between two points.
See src/traffic-status.coffee
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-traffic --save
Then add hubot-traffic to your external-scripts.json
- HUBOT_DISTANCE_MATRIX_API_KEY - your Google Distance Matrix API Key (Required if you use transit as mode)
user1>> hubot traffic home is Where the Hatred is
hubot>> Home is set to Where the Hatred is
user1>> hubot traffic work is Where the Love is
hubot>> Work is set to Where the Love is
user1>> hubot traffic mode is <driving, walking, bicycling, transit>
hubot>> Mode is set to <driving, walking, bicycling, transit>
user1>> hubot i wanna go home
hubot>> From Where the Love is to Where the Hatred is, it will take 34 mins
user1>> hubot i wanna be home by <12h00, 12am>
hubot>> From Where the Love is to Where the Hatred is, you'll have to leave at <11h26, 11:26am>