See for a version which runs 1.17+ x86, x86_64, armv7 and arm64 instead of only 0.12 - 1.16.10 x86, armv7
The libhybris library broke with Minecraft 1.16.20 and caused crashs, but the rewritten launcher of minecraft-linux didn't had such problems.
An unstable and dirty fork of the Linux and Mac OS Minecraft Bedrock Edition launcher client that supports 1.11+ (incl. most beta builds, 1.0-1.10 cannot be resized after start)
- Random unknown crashes
- provide crashlog, compilerversion and mention the specfic download artifact (Filename, download link)
- Linux x86, amd64 and arm support
- Limited macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave support
- reduced gpu performance ANGLE - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine workaround to replace the crashing patch from minecraft-linux
- render delay while joining the world or server with a lot of objects
- mobs aren't rendered correctly (known as white mobs (sheeps, spiders...))
- workaround set initial window size to display resolution
- reduced gpu performance ANGLE - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine workaround to replace the crashing patch from minecraft-linux
- Support for new Minecraft Releases (1.13+) out of Box
- The discontinued mcpelauncher-server only supports and
- Might break sometime in the future
- unstable Xbox live login
- Sometime fails silently without an errormessage (might be in the log)
- to try it again close Minecraft and open it again
- may caused by network problems (e.g. unstable internet access)
- You need to have a gamertag on your account
- Friend joining
- Sometimes only successful during world loading or won't succeed
- Sometime fails silently without an errormessage (might be in the log)
- less game patches needed than the original launcher
- defaults to pocket UI
- e.g. change it in Settings->General->Video->UI Profile from Pocket to Classic
- defaults to 60 fps vsync
- vsync is ignored under macOS
- can be disabled in options.txt
- defaults to larger buttons
- e.g. change it in Settings->General->Video->GUI Scale Modifier to -1
- Scripting support isn't enabled, android defaults to no scripting support
- might added back in the future
- Initializes the game mostly like android does it
- results in less function patches
- implemented "java" functions in c++ rather than patching jni function calls
- defaults to pocket UI
- Experimental (Chinese, Japanese) IME Support with eglut (not GLFW)
- Now have to explicitly to be enabled with
- to many distros have issues, with x11 ime or xim
- type Chinese / Japanese with IME while a Textbox is open
- You need to manually click the Textbox to allow IME to open
- Only ibus IME is known to work
- ibus-pinyin
- ibus-anthy
- Now have to explicitly to be enabled with
Game Launcher Game Downloader / Starter Xbox Live
# Install dependencies
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get install cmake g++-multilib libpng-dev:i386 libx11-dev:i386 libxi-dev:i386 libcurl4-openssl-dev:i386 libudev-dev:i386 libevdev-dev:i386 libegl1-mesa-dev:i386 libasound2:i386
git clone --recursive mcpelauncher || cd mcpelauncher && git pull
cd mcpelauncher
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j12
Before starting the new launcher, please remember to download the game with the Bedrock launcher QT GUI!
replace 1.13.X
with your 1.13.X or 1.14.X installation
~/mcpelauncher/build/mcpelauncher-client/mcpelauncher-client -dg ~/.local/share/mcpelauncher/versions/1.13.X
# Install dependencies
sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf && sudo apt-get install python3-pip cmake g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf libpng-dev:armhf libx11-dev:armhf libxi-dev:armhf libcurl4-openssl-dev:armhf libudev-dev:armhf libevdev-dev:armhf libegl1-mesa-dev:armhf libasound2:armhf && pip3 install jinja2 ds_store ply
git clone --recursive mcpelauncher || cd mcpelauncher && git pull
cd mcpelauncher
cd mcpelauncher-linux-bin
git checkout armhf
cd ../minecraft-symbols/tools
python3 ./ --armhf
cd ../..
mkdir build
cd build
CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CXX=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ cmake ..
make -j12
Before starting the new launcher, please remember to download the game with the Bedrock launcher QT GUI!
replace 1.13.X
with your 1.13.X or 1.14.X installation
OPENSSL_armcap=0 ~/mcpelauncher/build/mcpelauncher-client/mcpelauncher-client -dg ~/.local/share/mcpelauncher/versions/1.13.X
- prerequisites
- Add the multilib Repository One time setup (Manjaro has it enabled by default,
sudo bash -c "echo '[multilib]' >> /etc/pacman.conf && echo 'Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' >> /etc/pacman.conf"
- Add the multilib Repository One time setup (Manjaro has it enabled by default,
# Install dependencies
sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm git util-linux sudo fakeroot binutils autoconf automake libtool pkgconf file make
git clone lib32-check || cd lib32-check && git pull
cd lib32-check
makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm --install
cd ..
git clone lib32-libevdev || cd lib32-libevdev && git pull
cd lib32-libevdev
makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm --install
cd ..
# compile and install the core launcher
git clone mcpelauncher-linux-git || cd mcpelauncher-linux-git && git pull
cd mcpelauncher-linux-git
makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm --install
cd ..
# compile and install Xbox live login support
git clone mcpelauncher-msa-git || cd mcpelauncher-msa-git && git pull
cd mcpelauncher-msa-git && makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm --install
git clone mcpelauncher-msa-ui-qt-git || cd mcpelauncher-msa-ui-qt-git && git pull
cd mcpelauncher-msa-ui-qt-git
makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm --install
cd ..
# compile and install the launcher GUI
git clone mcpelauncher-ui-git || cd mcpelauncher-ui-git && git pull
cd mcpelauncher-ui-git
makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm --install
cd ..
Before starting the new launcher, please remember to download the game with the Bedrock launcher QT GUI!
replace 1.13.X
with your 1.13.X or 1.14.X installation
mcpelauncher-client -dg ~/.local/share/mcpelauncher/versions/1.13.X
or run the launcher GUI
or launch Minecraft Bedrock Launcher
from start
# optional keep user folder clean
mkdir -p mcpelauncher && cd mcpelauncher
# Install dependencies
sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
sudo eopkg install git mesalib-32bit-devel openssl-32bit-devel curl-32bit-devel libpng-32bit-devel libx11-32bit-devel gcc g++ libgcc-32bit libstdc++-32bit cmake make binutils glibc-32bit-devel libgudev-32bit-devel libxi-32bit-devel
# Install libevdev-32bit-devel manually
git clone || cd libevdev && git pull
cd libevdev
./ CFLAGS=-m32
make -j8
sudo make install
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib32/ || :
cd ..
# Install mcpelauncher-manifest
git clone --recursive mcpelauncher || cd mcpelauncher && git pull
cd mcpelauncher
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
cd ../..
Before starting the new launcher, please remember to download the game with the Bedrock launcher QT GUI!
replace 1.13.X
with your 1.13.X or 1.14.X installation
mcpelauncher-client -dg ~/.local/share/mcpelauncher/versions/1.13.X