TP-Link smart plug/bulb adapter for Mozilla IoT Gateway.
- Smart plugs
- HS105
- HS110
- Smart bulbs
- LB110
- LB120
- LB130
- Smart switches
- HS200
- Smart plugs
- HS100
- HS103
- Smart bulbs
- LB100
- LB200
- LB230
- Smart switches
- HS210
- HS220
There's nothing technically preventing support for these devices, they just have not been tested at all.
- WiFi range extenders + smart plug
- RE270K
- RE370K
If you're running this add-on outside of the official gateway image for the Raspberry Pi, i.e. you're running on a development machine, you'll need to do the following (adapt as necessary for non-Ubuntu/Debian):
sudo apt install python3-dev libnanomsg-dev
sudo pip3 install nnpy
sudo pip3 install git+