Yii Widget wrapper for Shuffle.js
Copy files to protected/extensions/ChShuffleWidget
configure it
For displaying Widget copy this to your template
$dataProvider = ActiveRecord::model()->search();
$this->Widget('ChShuffleWidget', array(
'groupSelector'=>'ArField', // which ActiveRecord should be used for filter
'itemView'=>'shuffleTemplate', // Template for display each item
'holderId'=>'shuffleExample', // not required but you can use your own id
'modernizr'=>true, // if you use your own modernizr set it to false
'debounce'=>true, // not required by Shuffle.js, it works better with it
'showFilter'=>true, // shows filter Buttons for items
'options'=>array( // here you cann use all Options from Shuffle.js
In your shuffleTemplate you cann access each ActiveRecord using $data var.