This cheatsheet is a TL;DR for the things covered in the lua scripting tutorial I created for scripting with Lua for OBS Studio and adding scenes and importing overlays, images, and text.
For an example code of the some of the functions used below please go here: Example Code
Please also refer to upgradeQ's Python scripting Cheatsheet here, as it may contain similar items written in Python: upgradeQ's Python Cheat Sheet
For more resources definitely check out the amazing group of devs over at the Wiki and the official OBS scripting documentation here:
- Image to Base64 Converter
- Setting Keys
- Ffmpeg_source Setting Keys
- Image_source Setting Keys
- Text_gdiplus Setting Keys
- Color_filter Setting Keys
- Source Creation Functions
- Scene Exists Function
- Create Scene Function
- Create Loop Overlay Function
- Create Image Function
- Create Text Function
- Create Color Filter Function
- Import All Scenes Function
- OBS Lua Library Methods
- Initiate The OBS Lua Library
- Get The Script Path
- Useful Scene Methods
- Get All The Scene Names
- Create A New Scene Object And Release The Scene Object
- Get The Source Of A Specific Scene
- Get The Source Of The Current Viewed/Selected Scene
- Set The Current Viewed Scene Inside OBS
- Get The Scene Context From A Scene
- Release A Scene Object
- Useful Source Methods
- Create A Data Settings Object
- Set A String Key
- Set A Bool Key
- Create A Blank Object Value Array
- Set An Object Key
- Create A Source Object And Release It
- Update The Settings Of Your Source
- Add A Source Object To A Scene
- Create An OBS Vector
- Get The Scene Item From A Scene
- Set The Position Of A Scene Item
- Set The Scale Of A Scene Item
- Release The Settings Object
- Release A Source Object
- Get A List Of All The Scenes Created In OBS In Source Object Form
- Useful Properties Methods
- Create A Properties Object
- Create A Button
Key | Type | Set With |
"local_file" | string | obs.obs_data_set_string() |
"looping" | bool | obs.obs_data_set_bool() |
Key | Type | Set With |
"file" | string | obs.obs_data_set_string() |
For Face, Flags, Size, and Style make sure to set them to a json data object then set the json data object to the Font key.
Key | Type | Set With |
"face" | string | obs.obs_data_set_string() |
"flags" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"size" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"style" | string | obs.obs_data_set_string() |
"font" | object | obs.obs_data_set_obj() |
"text" | string | obs.obs_data_set_string() |
"align" | string | obs.obs_data_set_string() |
"color" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"outline" | bool | obs.obs_data_set_bool() |
"outline_color" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"outline_size" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
Key | Type | Set With |
"brightness" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"contrast" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"gamma" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"hue_shift" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"opacity" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
"saturation" | int | obs.obs_data_set_int() |
function scene_exists(scene_name)
local scene_names = obs.obs_frontend_get_scene_names()
local value = 0
for i, name in ipairs(scene_names) do
if string.find(scene_names[i], scene_name) then
value = value + 1
return value
function create_scene(scene_name)
if scene_exists(scene_name) >= 1 then
scene_name = scene_name .. " " .. scene_exists(scene_name)
local new_scene = obs.obs_scene_create(scene_name)
local current_scene = obs.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
local scene = obs.obs_scene_from_source(current_scene)
return new_scene, scene
function create_loop_overlay(file_location, name, new_scene, scene, xpos, ypos, xscale, yscale)
local pos = obs.vec2()
local scale = obs.vec2()
local overlay_settings = obs.obs_data_create()
obs.obs_data_set_string(overlay_settings, "local_file", script_path() .. file_location)
obs.obs_data_set_bool(overlay_settings, "looping", true)
local overlay_source = obs.obs_source_create("ffmpeg_source", name, overlay_settings, nil)
obs.obs_scene_add(new_scene, overlay_source)
local overlay_sceneitem = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene, name)
local overlay_location = pos
local overlay_scale = scale
if overlay_sceneitem then
overlay_location.x = xpos
overlay_location.y = ypos
overlay_scale.x = xscale
overlay_scale.y = yscale
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(overlay_sceneitem, overlay_location)
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_scale(overlay_sceneitem, overlay_scale)
obs.obs_source_update(overlay_source, overlay_settings)
function create_image(file_location, name, new_scene, scene, xpos, ypos, xscale, yscale)
local pos = obs.vec2()
local scale = obs.vec2()
local image_settings = obs.obs_data_create()
obs.obs_data_set_string(image_settings, "file", script_path() .. file_location)
local image_source = obs.obs_source_create("image_source", name, image_settings, nil)
obs.obs_scene_add(new_scene, image_source)
local image_sceneitem = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene, name)
local image_location = pos
local image_scale = scale
if image_sceneitem then
image_location.x = xpos
image_location.y = ypos
image_scale.x = xscale
image_scale.y = yscale
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(image_sceneitem, image_location)
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_scale(image_sceneitem, image_scale)
obs.obs_source_update(image_source, image_settings)
function create_text(face, size, style, text, align, name, new_scene, scene, x, y)
local pos = obs.vec2()
local scale = obs.vec2()
local text_settings = obs.obs_data_create()
local text_font_object = obs.obs_data_create_from_json('{}')
obs.obs_data_set_string(text_font_object, "face", face)
obs.obs_data_set_int(text_font_object, "flags", 0)
obs.obs_data_set_int(text_font_object, "size", size)
obs.obs_data_set_string(text_font_object, "style", style)
obs.obs_data_set_obj(text_settings, "font", text_font_object)
obs.obs_data_set_string(text_settings, "text", text)
obs.obs_data_set_string(text_settings, "align", align)
local text_source = obs.obs_source_create("text_gdiplus", name, text_settings, nil)
obs.obs_scene_add(new_scene, text_source)
local text_sceneitem = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene, name)
local text_location = pos
if text_sceneitem then
text_location.x = x
text_location.y = y
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(text_sceneitem, text_location)
obs.obs_source_update(text_source, text_settings)
function add_color_filter(name, brightness, contrast, gamma, hue_shift, opacity, saturation)
source = obs.obs_get_source_by_name(name)
filter_settings = obs.obs_data_create()
obs.obs_data_set_int(filter_settings, "brightness", brightness)
obs.obs_data_set_int(filter_settings, "contrast", contrast)
obs.obs_data_set_int(filter_settings, "gamma", gamma)
obs.obs_data_set_int(filter_settings, "hue_shift", hue_shift)
obs.obs_data_set_int(filter_settings, "opacity", opacity)
obs.obs_data_set_int(filter_settings, "saturation", saturation)
color_filter = obs.obs_source_create_private("color_filter", "Color Correct", filter_settings)
obs.obs_source_filter_add(source, color_filter)
obs.obs_source_update(color_filter, filter_settings)
function import_all_scenes()
-- your hard coded list of scene functions
local scene_names = obs.obs_frontend_get_scene_names()
local scene_list = obs.obs_frontend_get_scenes()
for i, name in ipairs(scene_names) do
if scene_names[i] == "Welcome" then
scene = scene_list[i]
for i, scene in ipairs(scene_list) do
Below covers some of the library methods I used in my tutorial. There are definitely plenty more and you can find them referring to the C documentation in the OBS Documentation
obs = obslua
This is useful in returning the location of your script on your local machine. You can use this to make relative paths to files located near your script such as a folder with your overlays.
Use the following methods I commonly used in my tutorial for creating and editing scenes.
This will return a list of all the names of your scenes created inside OBS.
list_of_scene_names = obs.obs_frontend_get_scene_names()
Add a New Scene into OBS using this method, make sure to release the reference to the scene after.
The release method will only expect a scene object.
scene_name = "My New Scene"
local scene_object = obs.obs_scene_create(scene_name) -- This will create your scene object and make your new scene appear inside OBS
A scene can also be considered a source. So to return the scene as a source object do the following:
Do the following to get the source object of the currently selected scene inside OBS:
local current_scene = obs.obs_frontend_get_current_scene()
This method expects a source object instead of a scene object. So use the obs_scene_get_source method to get the source from a scene.
This is different from obs_scene_get_source because scene_get_source returns the scene's source object. This returns the window or context of what the scene consists of.
local scene_context = obs.obs_scene_from_source(source_object)
Do this after creating a Scene Object
The following covers methods related around creating sources within a scene, which can also be known as sceneitems. Sceneitems have properties or settings that can set by using specific methods for editing various setting keys. In my tutorial I go over a few source types, but the following can be applied generally to all types of sources.
After creating your data settings object, make sure to release it.
local settings_object = obs.obs_data_create()
In this example we will set the "local_file" string key for a source type "ffmpeg_source"
local file_path = path/to/a/video
obs.obs_data_set_string(settings_object, "local_file", file_path)
For this example we will set the "looping" bool key for a source type "ffmpeg_source". The following method will expect three input parameters, the last one being a bool of either true or false.
obs.obs_data_set_bool(settings_object, "looping", true)
local blank_object = obs.obs_data_create_from_json('{}')
Object Keys are Keys that expect an Array of values instead of just one value. This method is useful for when you have to set the font. Below is an example of how to set the "font" key for a source type of "text_gdiplus" or basically a text source:
local settings_object = obs.obs_data_create()
local font_object = obs.obs_data_create_from_json('{}')
obs.obs_data_set_string(font_object, "face", face)
obs.obs_data_set_int(font_object, "flags", 0)
obs.obs_data_set_int(font_object, "size", size)
obs.obs_data_set_string(font_object, "style", style)
obs.obs_data_set_obj(settings_object, "font", text_font_object)
It is a good idea to create your source object after you have created your settings object. Your Settings object will be used as an input paramater for creating the source object.
The following method will expect 4 input parameters: the type of source, a string value for name, the settings object, and hotkeydata. We will not be inputting any hotkey data so we will leave this as nil, or basically null.
This example will show how to create a source type of "ffmpeg_source". Always make sure to release your data settings object and your source object.
local settings_object = obs.obs_data_create()
local file_path = path/to/a/video
local name = "my_source_name"
obs.obs_data_set_string(settings_object, "local_file", script_path() .. file_path)
obs.obs_data_set_bool(settings_object, "looping", true)
local source_object = obs.obs_source_create("ffmpeg_source", name, settings_object, nil)
It is a good idea to always update your source settings with any key you have set. Do the following:
obs.obs_source_update(source_object, settings_object)
After you succesfully created your source object, you can add it to your scene like so:
obs.obs_scene_add(scene_object, source_object)
This is useful for whenever you have to set a value for position or scale.
local position = obs.vec2()
In order to edit or change the position or scale of a Source Object in a scene, you need to call it as a scene item. The following method will expect a scene object, and the name given to your source that you added to your scene. To get the scene item from a source do:
local sceneitem_object = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene_object, name)
Position is based on x,y coordinates in pixels, with the top left corner of the OBS Stream Viewer being 0,0. The following method will expect the sceneitem object and a vector for position x and position y.
local position = obs.vec2()
position.x = 25
position.y = 25
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_pos(sceneitem_object, position)
Scale is based on a scalar percentage of your original source's size. If you were to have a 1920 by 1080 video, then 1 would be 100% of your video's scale, and 0.5 being half the size. Use the following method to set your size of your source. Note that the Scale needs to be a vector, so create a vector first:
local scale = obs.vec2()
scale.x = 1
scale.y = 0.5
obs.obs_sceneitem_set_scale(sceneitem_object, scale)
This is useful if you want to retrieve a full list of all scenes in the form of source objects you made inside OBS. Always make sure to release your source objects as well. Please don't confuse this as a list of all the sceneitems you have in your scene.
local scene_list = obs.obs_front_end_get_scenes()
for i, scene in ipairs(scene_list) do
Here is where you can create and add cool menu items, buttons, and sliders into your script. You start with first creating the actual properties object that will contain all your cool stuff.
local properties_object = obs.obs_properties_create()
This will show how to add a button to your UI by incorporating it into your properties object. This method will expect 4 input parameters which are your properties object, a name, the actual displayed text, and a callback function. In the example below I have a "welcome_scene_function" function that will act as my callback function. Please note that I intentionally left this function blank
function welcome_scene_function)
local properties_object = obs.obs_properties_create()
local welcome_button = obs.obs_properties_add_button(properties_object, "welcome_button", "Welcome!", welcome_scene_function)