When I compile stylesheets using compass, it ignores whitespace in my authored scss document and outputs according to a pre-defined style. In particular, it removes some extra linebreaks between css comments I use as documentation to divide the file up into sections. It makes no practical difference except that it annoys me. This little snippet helps me fix that.
NOTE: This fix is specific to the documentation convention I use, but you may be able to modify the regular expression to fit your needs.
NOTE: I'm a total ruby noob (I learned enough to do this!), so there may be a better way to solve the problem. I also run Windows. I don't think that should affect how sass treats linebreaks, but I could be wrong.
Small sample of what I'm talking about:
My Authored SCSS File:
/* ==========================================================================
Base styles: opinionated defaults
========================================================================== */
textarea {
color: #222;
What Sass Outputs (expanded):
/* ==========================================================================
Base styles: opinionated defaults
========================================================================== */
textarea {
color: #222;
ARGH!! There's no blank line after the divider comment! How hideous! My eyes!!
But who cares, I should minify the CSS file for production use anyway, you say. Yeah...I know, but maybe I don't wanna!
I added this code snippet in at the bottom of my config.rb file. Don't overwrite all the other options, obviously. This code will execute any time a stylesheet is compiled. Again, this particular snippet will only work if you use the style of section divider seen above. It's the style used by the HTML5 Boilerplate's main css file, so you may use it or something similar already.
on_stylesheet_saved do |file|
if File.exists?(file)
text = File.read(file)
replace = text.gsub(/(\/\* ==.*?\*\/)/m, '\1' + "\n")
File.open(file, "w") { |file| file.puts replace }
The snippet works as follows:
Uses the built in on_stylesheet_saved hook so it runs whenever a stylesheet is compiled.
Reads the stylesheet file and places its contents in a variable called text.
Uses a regular expression to replace any pattern which matches one of the comment blocks with the exact same text PLUS a newline.
Opens the same file and writes the new contents.
/(\/\* ==.*?\*\/)/m
Regex is confusing sometimes (at least to me), so here's what this one does. The forward
slashes at either end define the pattern. The m
is a flag for multiline mode
so patterns stretching across multiple lines can be matched.
The /*
and *\
which define a multi-line comment in css must be escaped because
those are also special characters in regex. In between I specify one space and then
two =
signs so as not to match EVERY multi-line comment. .*?
means zero or more of any
character, but "non-greedily" meaning it will match the shortest possible matching pattern.
(Otherwise we'd match nearly the entire file between the first and last comment blocks).
The entire pattern is wrapped in parentheses which "captures" it. gsub can then reference
the captured text with '\1'
so that we can append a newline character onto the
exact same text.
Again, this requires that you document your code according to this convention. But that's life. You may also be able to play around with the regex to fit your needs.