CLI for calculating and listing the distances from a location to a set of businesses.
Input files are csvs, with one business entry per line, in the form business name, latitude, longitude
-a,--arguments Show saved arguments
-b,--business <arg> Name of business to which distances will be calculated
-c,--clear Clear saved arguments
-f,--file <arg> Business .csv file location
-h,--help Help
-i,--singleinstance Run a single instance
-l,--latlon <arg> Comma separated lat/lon of business from which distances will be calculated
-o,--order <arg> Sort order of distance
- lg: largest to smallest
- sm: smallest to largest
[DEFAULT = smallest to largest]
-s,--save Save the given arguments so that they do not need to be repeated in subsequent commands
-u,--unit <arg> Units of distance
- m: metres
- km: kilometres
- mi: miles
[DEFAULT = metre]
-x,--exit Exit
--singleinstance --file C:/path/to/csv-file.csv --latlon 53.23468,-2.56134 --unit m --order sm --business Fleetsmart
Proximity to Fleetsmart
Eric's Electricals: 17516 m
Greta's Gaff: 32645 m
Hannah's Home: 34391 m
Bob's Builders: 37317 m
Irene's Imaging: 39272 m
Dave's Domicile: 49155 m
Kathy's Kennels: 59092 m
Claire's Crib: 59093 m
John's Joint: 71519 m
Alex's Apartment: 325285 m