I'm Chris. I'm a web application UI developer & designer who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. I love to work with TypeScript and Angular projects.
- Landmark-Analytics/landmark-public-web - The Landmark Analytics Website (1 day ago)
- ChrisMBarr/debbiebarr.com - Debbie Barr's Website (2 weeks ago)
- ChrisMBarr/udemy-angular-testing-masterclass - This is a project for me to code alongside this Udemy course as I go through it: https://udemy.com/course/angular-testing-course (3 weeks ago)
- ChrisMBarr/ProPresenter-Parser - Parses ProPresenter files, and builds new ProPresenter files (4 weeks ago)
- ChrisMBarr/noise-maker - Makes noise based SVG patterns/textures (4 weeks ago)