Software Foundations Chinese Translation
What is this?
This is the chinese translation of Software Foundations.
How can I contribute?
Made an issue indicating which chapter you want to translate.
We will shortly add you to the source repository.
Please DO NOT translate directly on this webpage: this is generated by make.
For more information, feel free to join the QQ Group 372347110.
How is the progress?
- Preface lolisa Finished
- Basics manbaum NeedMigration
- Induction ruoz Finished
- Lists zeling Finished
- Poly sakurakawaiiyo Progressing
- MoreCoq
- Logic bctnry Finished
- Prop bctnry Finished
- MoreLogic bctnry Progressing
- ProofObjects
- MoreInd
- SfLib
- Rel
- Imp
- ImpParser zeling MergeConflict
- ImpCEvalFun
- Extraction
- Equiv
- Hoare
- Hoare2
- HoareAsLogic
- Smallstep
- Auto dramforever Finished
- Types
- Stlc
- StlcProp
- MoreStlc
- Sub
- TypeCheckings
- Records
- References
- RecordSub
- Norm
- LibTactics
- UseTactics
- UseAuto
- PE lolisa Progressing
- Postscript lolisa Finished