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This repository contains basic protractor tests that are written using typescript

Pre requisites :

  1. install node js
  2. open command prompt and perform npm install -g webdriver-manager webdriver-manager start ( This will start selenium server in your local machine )

clone this repository and perform npm install

Protractor Wiki

  1. Install Node JS from ( LTS version )
  2. Add environment variable for npm ( Ex : C:\Users\cadasa\AppData\Roaming\npm )
  3. Follow this URL to Install and run first test using protractor --

Typescript setup:

  1. Install visual studio code from

  2. Install typescript globally using command : npm install typescript –g

  3. Create a project Folder ( Ex : Protractor_Demo )

  4. Creation of tsconfig.json a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder and type tsc –init

  5. Creation of package.json a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder and type npm init –f

  6. Creation of task.json a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder and type code .  This will open visual studio code b. Press F1 – This will open tasks list c. Select Configure Task Runner d. Replace “tasks” with below mentioned code "tasks": [ { "taskName": "TypeScript Compiler", "command": "tsc -P tsconfig.json", "type": "shell", "args": [ "-w" ] } ]

  7. Enabling Debugging a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder and type code .  This will open visual studio code b. Press F1 – This will open tasks list c. Type and Select Open launch.json d. Replace “configurations” with below mentioned code "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch Program", "program": "${workspaceRoot}\node_modules\protractor\bin\protractor", "outFiles": [ "${workspaceRoot}/out/**/*.js" ], "args": [ "conf.js" ] } ]

    e. To debug your application use keyword F5

Writing first test in type script:

  1. Add dependencies for the project a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder b. install protractor as a dependency using command : npm i --D protractor c. install types as a dependency using command : npm i –D @types/jasmine

  2. Create protractor.conf.ts file and add below mentioned code to it import { Config, browser } from "protractor"; export let config:Config = {

        //seleniumAddress : 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
        directConnect : true,
        framework :"jasmine2",
        specs : ['protractor.spec.js'],
        jasmineNodeOpts : {
  3. Create protractor.spec.ts file and add below mentioned code to it import { by,element,browser } from "protractor"; describe("Test Angular Site", ()=>{ beforeAll(()=>{

        it("Test Text Field", ()=>{
            expect<any>(browser.getTitle()).toBe('AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework');
  4. Press F1 key  type Run task  hit enter  select option “TypeScript Compiler” – This task will compile your type script files into js files and wait for changes in ts files

  5. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder and type Protractor protractor.conf.js

To Enable Logging (Winston):

  1. Add dependencies for the project a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder b. install Winston as a dependency using command : npm i –D winston c. install types as a dependency using command : npm i –D @types/winston
  2. Import Winston into your spec files ( Ex : import { log } from "winston"; )
  3. Wherever you need, just add a log ( Ex : log("info",'Successfully verified title'); )

To Enable Jasmine Spec Reporter:

  1. Add dependencies for the project a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder b. install Jasmine spec reporter as a dependency using command : npm i –D jasmine-spec-reporter
  2. Import Jasmine-spec-reporter into your conf file ( Ex : import { SpecReporter } from "jasmine-spec-reporter"; )
  3. To display stack trace place below mentioned code onPrepare: function () { jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({ spec: { displayStacktrace: true } }));

To Enable Jasmine Allure Reporter:

  1. Configuring Maven a. To use Allure reports, we need a maven plugin b. 1. Download “ “ maven from site 2. Add environment variable M2_HOME with the value as path to apache-maven-3.5.0 folder. 3. Add environment path variable like %M2_HOME%\bin c. Open CMD and type mvn –verision  If you get version details, then maven configured successfully
  2. Add dependencies to the project a. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder b. install allure-reporter as a dependency using command : npm i –D jasmine-allure-reporter
  3. To Get Allure Reporter XML Files : a. At protractor.conf.ts file import AllureReporter ( Ex : let AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter'); ) b. Inside OnPrepare function add below mentioned code : jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({ resultsDir: 'allure-results' })); c. Run the Protractor protractor.conf.js –> Test results will be saved as xml files inside Protractor_Demo/allure-results folder
  4. To Get Screen shots : a. At protractor.conf.ts file, Inside OnPrepare function add below mentioned code : jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(function(done){ browser.takeScreenshot().then(function (png) { allure.createAttachment('Screenshot', function () { return new Buffer(png, 'base64') }, 'image/png')(); done(); }) }); b. Run the Protractor protractor.conf.js –> After completing the run, you can see both images and xml files
  5. To Generate Allure Reports : a. Go to Protractor-Demo\node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter folder and copy pom.xml file b. CMD into Protractor_Demo folder c. Run command “mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results”  It creates target folder which contains allure report d. Open “ Protractor-Demo\target\site\allure-maven-plugin\index.html “ in firefox browser to see allure report e. To share reports with other, we need to enable Jetty server and share through it. To enable, run command mvn jetty:run - Djetty.port=8888

Docker Setup:

  1. Install docker stable version from

  2. After installation, you need to logout and login – After login your system will reboot to enable Hyper-V mode

  3. After Reboot – Open Powershell any type docker info -- You should get something like below

  4. Get selenium hub container using command docker pull selenium/hub

  5. Get Selenium chrome node debug container using command docker pull selenium/node-chrome-debug

  6. Get selenium firefox node debug container using command docker pull selenium/node-firefox-debug

  7. Start the selenium hub using command docker run -d -P --name selenium-hub selenium/hub

  8. Link the chrome node container using command docker run -d -P --link selenium-hub:hub selenium/node-chrome-debug

  9. Link the firefox node container using command docker run -d -P --link selenium-hub:hub selenium/node-firefox-debug

Alternative way of setting up Docker Containers ( Using .yml file ) :

  1. Docker Compose : a. Create docker-compose.yml file and add below mentioned code version: '2'

            image: selenium/hub:latest
            container_name: Selgrid
            privileged: true
                - 4444:4444
                - GRID_TIMEOUT=240000
                - GRID_BROWSER_TIMEOUT=240000
                - w2agrid_grid_internal
            image: selenium/node-chrome-debug:latest
            privileged: true
                - w2agrid
                - 5900
                - no_proxy=localhost
                - HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=w2agrid
                - HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444
                - w2agrid_grid_internal
            image: selenium/node-firefox-debug:latest
            privileged: true
                - w2agrid
                - 5901  
                - no_proxy=localhost
                - HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=w2agrid
                - HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444
                - w2agrid_grid_internal

    b. Run compose file using command docker-compose up –d

Docker Server Configuration in conf file :

  1. In conf.js fie, enable selenium address. Since selenium port is configured as 4444, no changes required
  2. If you want to run tests on multiple browsers (ON Both the nodes) we should add below mentioned code to conf.js file multiCapabilities: [{ 'browserName': 'firefox' }, { 'browserName': 'chrome' }]

To Check Running containers and to Delete Docker images:

  1. To See all the running containers using command docker ps -aq
  2. To remove all the containers use command : docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  3. To remove all the images use command : docker rmi $(docker images -q)

To Send Emails:

  1. Install Nodemailer using command npm i -g nodemailer

  2. Create mail.ts file

     const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
     // create reusable transporter object using the default SMTP transport
     let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
         host: '',
         port: 465,
         secure: true, // secure:true for port 465, secure:false for port 587
         auth: {
             user: '[email protected]',
             pass: 'Planon@521'
     // setup email data with unicode symbols
     let mailOptions = {
         from: '[email protected]', // sender address
         to: '[email protected]', // list of receivers
         subject: 'Protractor Demo Results at http://localhost:8888', // Subject line
         text: 'Dear StakeHolders, Please see attachment for todays result', // plain text body
         html: '<b>Hello world ?</b>', // html body
         attachments: [{
             'filename' : 'Results.html',
             'filePath' : './allure-results/Results.xml'
     // send mail with defined transport object
     transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {
         if (error) {
             return console.log(error);
         console.log('Message %s sent: %s', info.messageId, info.response);
  3. Create OnComplete method at conf file

     onComplete : function () {
         let stdout:ChildProcess.stdout;
         let stderr:ChildProcess.stderr;
         let error: ChildProcess.error;
         console.log ('Sending test result as email');
         puts(error, stdout,stderr);
         exec('node ./util/mail.js', puts);

Data Driven Testing (Reading data from Json file)

Reading data from data class (For Super Calculator):

  1. Create a dataprovide.ts file and create below mentioned code

     export class DataProvider {
             plusProvider() {
                 return [
                     {a: 2, b: 3, expected: '5'},
                     {a: '14', b: 15, expected: '29'},
                     {a: 12, b: '13', expected: '25'},
                     {a: '22', b: '13', expected: '35'},
  2. In your test import using block ( Ex : var using = require('jasmine-data-provider'); )

  3. Create using block and send data to the app

         let dataprovider = new DataProvider();
                 let plusProvider = dataprovider.plusProvider();
         let calculatormainpage = new SupercalculatorMainPage();
                 let elementhelper = new ElementHelper();
                 it("Supercalculator Addition", ()=>{

Reading data from the excel file (For Super Calculator):

  1. Install xlsx using command: npm i -D xlsx

  2. Import the xlsx into your spec files (Ex : import { readFile, read, ColInfo, RowInfo } from "xlsx"; )

  3. Create test.xlsx file and rename first sheet as "Test_Data" and add data into the cells

  4. Send data to the app using for loop. Ex : let workbook = readFile('./data_provider/test.xlsx'); let sheetname = 'Test_Data'; let target = workbook.Sheets[sheetname]; for ( var i=2; i<14; i++){ let finalresult = String(target["C"+i].v); calculatormainpage.addition(target["A"+i].v, target["B"+i].v) expect(elementhelper.resultText().getText()).toEqual(finalresult); }

Jenkins Setup:

  1. Get the Jenkins war file for windows from

  2. Start the Jenkins using command : java -jar jenkins.war --> It will start the Jenkins server at localhost:8080

  3. Open chrome browser and go to localhost:8080 -- Jenkins main page will appear

  4. Click on New Item and provide name of your project and select "Multiconfiguratio project"

  5. Under Build, select "Execute Windows batch command" and provide batch commands to execute your project

Ex :

    -----To Goto project folder and to start run --------
    cd D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo
    rmdir /s /q D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo\allure-results
    protractor conf\conf.js

    ------- To copy allure reports to jasmine allure reporter location ------------
    cd D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo\node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter
    rmdir /s /q D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo\node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter\allure-results
    xcopy D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo\allure-results D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo\node_modules\jasmine-allure- reporter\allure-results /i /d
    mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results

    ---------- To start Jetty server to publish results --------------

    cd D:\GitReporsitories\Protractor-Demo\node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter
    mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=8888


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