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Chartboost Mediation Reference Adapter

The Chartboost Mediation Reference adapter mediates the Reference SDK via the Chartboost Mediation SDK.

Minimum Requirements

Plugin Version
Chartboost Mediation SDK 5.0.0+
Android API 21+


In your build.gradle, add the following entry:

    implementation "com.chartboost:chartboost-mediation-adapter-reference:"

Chartboost Mediation Custom Adapter Implementation Guidelines

This guide is intended to help you implement custom mediation adapters that work with the Chartboost Mediation SDK on Android.


Chartboost Mediation will not be providing official support for any custom adapters. For official adapters that we develop and support, visit this site.


The following instructions are available in Kotlin. If your adapter is going to be published and maintained by Chartboost Mediation, ensure that it is written in Kotlin.

  1. Create a new class and implement Chartboost Mediation's PartnerAdapter interface.

    class ReferenceAdapter : PartnerAdapter
  2. Override val partnerSdkVersion: String with the version of the partner SDK.

    override val partnerSdkVersion: String
        get() = ReferenceSdk.REFERENCE_SDK_VERSION
  3. Override val adapterVersion: String with the version of the mediation adapter.

    • You may version the adapter using any preferred convention, but it is recommended to apply the following format if the adapter will be published by Chartboost Mediation: [Chartboost Mediation][Partner][Adapter], where [Chartboost Mediation] represents the Chartboost Mediation SDK’s major version that is compatible with this adapter, [Partner] represents the partner SDK’s version, and [Adapter] represents this adapter’s version (starting with 0).
      • For example, if this adapter is compatible with Chartboost Mediation SDK 4.x and partner SDK 1.2.3.x (where x is optional), and this is its initial release, then adapterVersion is
    override val adapterVersion: String
  4. Override val partnerId: String with the internal identifier that the Chartboost Mediation SDK can use to refer to the current partner.

    override val partnerId: String
        get() = "reference"
  5. Override val partnerDisplayName: String with the official/external name of the current partner.

    override val partnerDisplayName: String
        get() = "Reference"
  6. Override fun setGdpr(context: Context, applies: Boolean?, gdprConsentStatus: GdprConsentStatus) to notify the partner SDK of the GDPR applicability as needed and to notify the partner SDK of the GDPR consent status as needed.

    override fun setGdpr(
        context: Context,
        applies: Boolean?,
        gdprConsentStatus: GdprConsentStatus
    ) {
            when (applies) {
                true -> GDPR_APPLICABLE
                false -> GDPR_NOT_APPLICABLE
                else -> GDPR_UNKNOWN
            when (gdprConsentStatus) {
                GdprConsentStatus.GDPR_CONSENT_UNKNOWN -> GDPR_CONSENT_UNKNOWN
                GdprConsentStatus.GDPR_CONSENT_GRANTED -> GDPR_CONSENT_GRANTED
                GdprConsentStatus.GDPR_CONSENT_DENIED -> GDPR_CONSENT_DENIED
        // Implement your SDK's GDPR methods here.
  7. Override fun setCcpaConsent(context: Context, hasGrantedCcpaConsent: Boolean, privacyString: String) to notify the partner SDK of the CCPA consent as needed.

    override fun setCcpaConsent(
        context: Context,
        hasGrantedCcpaConsent: Boolean,
        privacyString: String
    ) {
            if (hasGrantedCcpaConsent) CCPA_CONSENT_GRANTED
            else CCPA_CONSENT_DENIED
        // Implement your SDK's CCPA consent methods here.
  8. Override fun setUserSubjectToCoppa(context: Context, isSubjectToCoppa: Boolean) to notify the partner SDK of whether the user is subject to COPPA as needed.

    override fun setUserSubjectToCoppa(context: Context, isSubjectToCoppa: Boolean) {
            if (isSubjectToCoppa) COPPA_SUBJECT
            else COPPA_NOT_SUBJECT
        // Implement your SDK's COPPA methods here.
  9. Override suspend fun setUp(context: Context, partnerConfiguration: PartnerConfiguration): Result<Unit> to initialize the partner SDK and perform any necessary setup in order to request and serve ads.

    • If the operation succeeds, return Result.success. Otherwise, return Result.failure(Exception).

    [!NOTE] This operation may time out as deemed necessary by the Chartboost Mediation SDK. However, the partner SDK’s initialization attempt will not be canceled and may continue until completion.

    override suspend fun setUp(
        context: Context,
        partnerConfiguration: PartnerConfiguration
    ): Result<Unit> {
        return ReferenceSdk.initialize().fold(
            onSuccess = {
            onFailure = {
  10. Override suspend fun fetchBidderInformation(context: Context, request: PreBidRequest): Map<String, String> to compute and return a Map<String, String> of biddable token Strings. If network bidding is not supported by the current partner, return an empty Map.

    [!NOTE] This operation may time out as deemed necessary by the Chartboost Mediation SDK.

    override suspend fun fetchBidderInformation(
        context: Context,
        request: PreBidRequest
    ): Map<String, String> {
        val token = ReferenceSdk.getBidToken()
        PartnerLogController.log(if (token.isNotEmpty()) BIDDER_INFO_FETCH_SUCCEEDED else BIDDER_INFO_FETCH_FAILED)
        return mapOf("bid_token" to token)
  11. Override suspend fun load(context: Context, request: PartnerAdLoadRequest, partnerAdListener: PartnerAdListener): Result<PartnerAd> to make an ad request.

    • PartnerAd(val ad: Any?, val details: Map<String, String>, val request: PartnerAdLoadRequest) is a data class that holds your partner’s ad object along with data relevant to the current ad request. You may populate and pass a Map<String, String> of data that you’d like to persist between calls.
    • If an ad is successfully loaded, return Result.success(PartnerAd). Otherwise, return Result.failure(Exception).

    [!NOTE] This operation may time out as deemed necessary by the Chartboost Mediation SDK.

    override suspend fun load(
        context: Context,
        request: PartnerAdLoadRequest,
        partnerAdListener: PartnerAdListener
    ): Result<PartnerAd> {
        // Implement your SDK load calls here.
  12. Override suspend fun show(context: Context, partnerAd: PartnerAd): Result<PartnerAd> to show the loaded ad, if one is available.

    • Since banner ads render upon load and do not have a separate “show” stage, you will only need to handle non-banner ads in this call.
    • If an ad is successfully shown, return Result.success(PartnerAd). Otherwise, return Result.failure(Exception).

    [!NOTE] This operation may time out as deemed necessary by the Chartboost Mediation SDK.

    override suspend fun show(context: Context, partnerAd: PartnerAd): Result<PartnerAd> {
        // Implement your SDK show calls here.
  13. Override suspend fun invalidate(partnerAd: PartnerAd): Result<PartnerAd> to discard unnecessary ad objects and release resources.

    • This is required to destroy any Views from a specific PartnerAd, especially for banners.
    • If the ad is successfully discarded, return Result.success(PartnerAd). Otherwise, return Result.failure(Exception).
    override suspend fun invalidate(partnerAd: PartnerAd): Result<PartnerAd> {
        // Implement your SDK destroy calls here.
  14. Notify the PartnerAdListener of the following ad lifecycle events as applicable:

    • onPartnerAdImpression(partnerAd: PartnerAd) when the partner SDK registers an impression for the currently showing ad.
    • onPartnerAdClicked(partnerAd: PartnerAd) when the partner ad has been clicked as the result of a user action.
    • onPartnerAdRewarded(partnerAd: PartnerAd, reward: Reward) when a reward has been given for watching a video ad.
    • onPartnerAdDismissed(partnerAd: PartnerAd, error: ChartboostMediationAdException?) when the partner ad has been dismissed as the result of a user action.
    • onPartnerAdExpired(partnerAd: PartnerAd) when the partner ad has expired as determined by the partner SDK.
    interface PartnerAdListener {
        fun onPartnerAdImpression(partnerAd: PartnerAd)
        fun onPartnerAdClicked(partnerAd: PartnerAd)
        fun onPartnerAdRewarded(partnerAd: PartnerAd)
        fun onPartnerAdDismissed(partnerAd: PartnerAd, error: ChartboostMediationAdException?)
        fun onPartnerAdExpired(partnerAd: PartnerAd)
  15. Refer to the Chartboost Mediation SDK’s PartnerAdapterEvents enum for a complete list of log events to be used.

Custom Mediation Adapter Best Practices

  1. Ensure that your adapter follows a similar structure:

    • Adapter Class
      • Companion Object
      • Private Values and Variables
      • Overridden Chartboost Mediation APIs
      • Private Functions
  2. Use the companion object to expose your public SDK APIs to publishers that are integrating your adapter.

    • Some usages include enabling/disabling test modes, logging, SDK settings, or other SDK methods you want to expose to publishers.
        companion object {
            * Sample code for an SDK that has a test mode API.
            var testMode = SampleSDK.getTestMode()
                set(value) {
                    field = value
                        "SampleSDK test mode is ${if (value) "enabled" else "disabled"}."
            * Sample code for an SDK that has a Log level option.
            var logLevel =
                set(value) {
                    field = value
                    PartnerLogController.log(CUSTOM, "Sample SDK log level set to $value.")
  3. Determine if your SDK will be integrated with Mediation, Programmatic Bidding, or both.

    • This will determine if you need to implement the fetchBidderInformation as well as passing the adm from the request returned. Otherwise, you simply just need to pass the placement to your SDK.

    [!WARNING] This is sample code, don't use the code below for your own adapter. Please refer to the code in our actual adapters for real usage samples.

    // Example in which a distinction is made for a programmatic or mediation ad load request.
    // Make the load distinction at load time.
        if (request.adm.isNullOrEmpty()) {
            // This is a mediation request. Pass the partner placement name to your sdk.
        } else {
            // This is a programmatic request. Pass the returned adm to your sdk.
  4. Determine if your SDK supports the currently supported Chartboost Mediation ad formats:

    • Banner

    • Interstitial

    • Rewarded

    • Rewarded Interstitial

      [!IMPORTANT] To determine the ad format for Rewarded Interstitial, you will need to do the following check:

      request.format.key == "rewarded_interstitial"
  5. Log your adapter with the PartnerLogController class and its appropriate PartnerAdapterEvents enums.

  6. When using suspendable coroutines, it is preferable to use the CancellableCoroutine class and provide a continuation.isActive check to prevent continuation crashes on multiple calls.

    [!WARNING] This is sample code, don't use the code below for your own adapter. Please refer to the code in our actual adapters for real usage samples.

     * Example usage of a suspendable coroutine.
    override suspend fun setUp(
        context: Context,
        partnerConfiguration: PartnerConfiguration
    ): Result<Unit> {
        return suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
            fun resumeOnce(result: Result<Unit>) {
                if (continuation.isActive) {
            ) { startError ->
                startError?.let {
                    PartnerLogController.log(SETUP_FAILED, "${it.code}")
                } ?: run {
  7. Depending on your SDK, if you have show callbacks that need to be mapped with Chartboost Mediation's callbacks at show time, you will need to save the PartnerAdListener listener you used at load time.

    • It is recommended to map the PartnerAdListener listener with the appropriate load identifier to prevent listeners from being lost or being triggered wrongly. To get the request identifier, it can be found via PartnerAdLoadRequest.identifier

    [!WARNING] This is sample code, don't use the code below for your own adapter. Please refer to the code in our actual adapters for real usage samples.

     * A map of Chartboost Mediation's listeners for the corresponding load identifier.
    private val listeners = mutableMapOf<String, PartnerAdListener>()
    // During setup, clear the map.
    override suspend fun setUp(
        context: Context,
        partnerConfiguration: PartnerConfiguration
    ): Result<Unit> {
        // ...
        // ...
    // During load, save the listener.
    override suspend fun load(
        context: Context,
        request: PartnerAdLoadRequest,
        partnerAdListener: PartnerAdListener
    ): Result<PartnerAd> {
        // ... 
        // Save the listener for later usage.
        listeners[request.identifier] = partnerAdListener
        // ...
    // During show, get the listener from the map and invoke it where it will be used.
    override suspend fun load(
        context: Context,
        request: PartnerAdLoadRequest,
        partnerAdListener: PartnerAdListener
    ): Result<PartnerAd> {
        // ... 
         val listener = listeners[partnerAd.request.identifier]
         val partnerSDKShowListener = object : ShowListener() {
            override fun onAdImpression() {
                listener?.onPartnerAdImpression(partnerAd) ?: PartnerLogController.log(
                    "Unable to fire onPartnerAdImpression for sample adapter."
         // ...
    // Once you have or done and destroyed an ad, remove the listener from the map.
    override suspend fun invalidate(partnerAd: PartnerAd): Result<PartnerAd> {
        // ...
        // ...
  8. Map your SDK's error codes with Chartboost Mediation's in a separate function and as relevant as possible.

    [!WARNING] This is sample code, don't use the code below for your own adapter. Please refer to the code in our actual adapters for real usage samples.

     * Example usage from the Chartboost Monetization Adapter.
    private fun getChartboostMediationError(error: CBError) = when (error) {
        is StartError -> {
            when (error.code) {
                StartError.Code.NETWORK_FAILURE -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_AD_SERVER_ERROR
                else -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_UNKNOWN
        is CacheError -> {
            when (error.code) {
                CacheError.Code.INTERNET_UNAVAILABLE -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_NO_CONNECTIVITY
                CacheError.Code.NO_AD_FOUND -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_LOAD_FAILURE_NO_FILL
                CacheError.Code.SESSION_NOT_STARTED -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_UNKNOWN
                CacheError.Code.NETWORK_FAILURE, CacheError.Code.SERVER_ERROR -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_AD_SERVER_ERROR
                else -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_PARTNER_ERROR
        is ShowError -> {
            when (error.code) {
                ShowError.Code.INTERNET_UNAVAILABLE -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_NO_CONNECTIVITY
                ShowError.Code.NO_CACHED_AD -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_SHOW_FAILURE_AD_NOT_READY
                ShowError.Code.SESSION_NOT_STARTED -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_SHOW_FAILURE_NOT_INITIALIZED
                else -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_PARTNER_ERROR
        else -> ChartboostMediationError.CM_UNKNOWN_ERROR
  9. Convert requested Chartboost Mediation banner sizes to those with your SDK banner sizes.

    [!WARNING] This is sample code, don't use the code below for your own adapter. Please refer to the code in our actual adapters for real usage samples.

     * Map Chartboost Mediation's banner sizes to the reference SDK's supported sizes.
     * @param size The Chartboost Mediation banner [Size]
     * @return The reference SDK's equivalent [ReferenceBanner.Size].
    private fun chartboostMediationToReferenceBannerSize(size: Size?): ReferenceBanner.Size {
        return size?.height?.let {
            when {
                it in 50 until 90 -> ReferenceBanner.Size.BANNER
                it in 90 until 250 -> ReferenceBanner.Size.LEADERBOARD
                it >= 250 -> ReferenceBanner.Size.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE
                else -> ReferenceBanner.Size.BANNER
        } ?: ReferenceBanner.Size.BANNER
  10. Use the currently supported Chartboost Mediation SDK's gradle and Kotlin version. Any higher gradle & Kotlin versions are currently not supported.

    Current Gradle Version: 7.6.0
    Current Kotlin Version: 1.7.20


We are committed to a fully transparent development process and highly appreciate any contributions. Our team regularly monitors and investigates all submissions for the inclusion in our official adapter releases.

Please refer to our CONTRIBUTING file for more information on how to contribute.


Please refer to our LICENSE file for more information.